Plot hole: Towards the end of the "The Hard Goodbye" segment from the first film after Marv has killed Cardinal Roark, a newspaper clipping shows that the Cardinal's brother Senator Roark was decrying the atrocity. However, at the very end of this movie, Nancy kills Senator Roark with Marv's assistance. Since Marv was captured and imprisoned immediately after he killed Cardinal Roark, that means that the killing of Senator Roark had to have occurred before "The Hard Goodbye", which means Senator Roark should not have been alive to decry his own brother's murder.
Plot hole: Lamar was a star basketball player who didn't pay attention in Jim's English Literature class (and wasn't "good in English") but needed to pass to continue playing. Lamar told Jim, "I've had four courses with you" and "I'm a Junior." Whether this was Lamar's 4th or 5th English course, neither make sense. A fourth course would equal 12 credits - enough to be Lamar's' declared major (unlikely) - and most students don't enroll in the same professor's courses when they don't do well ("easy A"). (00:43:56 - 00:46:40)
Plot hole: Tom told I.D. Halden, "My grandmother passed a few years ago and we inherited the family house." If there was a mortgage, who was paying it for a couple years? And if the house was inherited, there would not be a landlord, they would not be paying "rent", and owners do not get served with an eviction notice. (There was no mention of a legitimate reason, such as unpaid taxes.) There's a failure to discern home ownership (with a mortgage) from renting a house (which is not "inherited").
Suggested correction: It seems to be that it is about two different houses, the rented one they already live in, and the inherited one which is renovated.