Vitruvius: The Special has arisen.
Gandalf: Have the young man step forward.
Vitruvius: As you wish, Dubbledore.
Gandalf: I'm Gandalf!
Dumbledore: It's pronounced Dumbledore.
Vitruvius: Dubbledore?
Dumbledore: No, Dumbledore.
Vitruvius: I thought you said Dubbledore.
Gandalf: Vetruvius!
Vitruvius: Ah, we gotta write all that down 'cause I'm not gonna remember any of it, but here we go. The Special will now give an eloquent speech.

Sunset Shimmer: A demon. I turned into a raging she-demon.
Pinkie Pie: And tried to turn everyone here into teenage zombies for your own personal army.

Hiccup: This is Berk. Life here is amazing. Dragons used to be a bit of a problem. But now they've all moved in.

Jewel: We are not people, we're birds. We have to get out into the wild and be birds, Blu.

Karate Kid: The greatest super villain of all time? More like Lex Loser!

Pirate Crew: Hey-ho, imagine the places that we'll go. No one can stop us when we're so high in the stratosphere. Hey-ho, we'll be the frigate that plunders, every one of the world's seven wonders, when we're up in the sky, for who can fight a frigate that flies? No one can fight a frigate that flies.

Green Lantern: Can you fly?
Batman: In a plane.
Green Lantern: Wait, you're not just some guy in a bat costume, are you? [Batman smiles.] Are you freaking kidding me? What? Nobody asked you to prom so now you dress as a bat and prowl around your parents' basement?

Judge: Mr. Peabody, you are a Nobel Prize-winning scientist. An advisor to heads of state. A captain of industry. Why would you want to adopt a boy?
Mr. Peabody: Because, your honor, when I found Sherman, it reminded me of how I started out in life. And now, I want to give him the one thing I always wanted. A home.
Judge: And you're sure you're capable of meeting all the challenges of raising a human boy?
Mr. Peabody: With all due respect, how hard could it be?

Damian Wayne: So this is the fabled Batcave. Grandfather told me about it. Smaller than I imagined. Very efficient, though.
Alfred Pennyworth: He is the spitting image of you at that age. It's a bit chilling.

Blade Ranger: It takes a special kind of plane to become a firefighter.