A Wall Street Thanksgiving - S5-E7
Trivia: Uncle Marvin is teaching Barry and the JTP hand signals to use on Wall Street. It is obvious he is making up the gestures, but when he says "Tell her that I'm sorry" he is using an American Sign Language sign for 'bullshit'.

Trivia: As part of the "Nick spot it" game, various things in this episode are upside down. When Max is ready to tell the family that he isn't the vandal, the grill is upside-down. Also, when Barb asks if the family if they wanted egg kabob their family picture is upside-down. When Max is grounded in his room, his Dark Mayhem poster is upside-down. When the Thunder Monitor says that the angry mob is approaching it's upside-down also when the angry mob is inside the house the penguin butler statue can be seen upside down This happens a few more times throughout the episode. When Max and Phoebe are sleeping at the park under the Hiddenville park sign, it is upside down too. When the family was picking up eggs, Max and Phoebe were upside down. When Max snuck out the first time, Coloso was also upside down.

Mega Mission - S1-E1
Trivia: Gosei says to the rangers,"My mentor, Zordon, placed me here to be guardian of this planet." Zordon was the mentor for the original rangers to the first half of Turbo and was killed in the finale of In Space.

Trivia: Stephen King has a cameo as the old man asking for coffee. (00:34:35)

Trivia: At the beginning of each episode, those are the faces of real inmates.

Trivia: Red's trademark fedora was James Spader's idea.

Trivia: Anna Walton, who plays Diane de Poitiers, is only 3 years older than Torrance Coombs, who plays her son Sebastian.

Trivia: The call sign for the mobile command center is SHIELD 616. Earth-616 is the name for the primary universe in Marvel comics.

Trivia: Former adviser to President Ronald Reagan, Lt. Col. Oliver North, served as a consultant for several episodes.

Trivia: Linda Hamilton says to Nolan and Irisa "Come with me if you want to live." This is the exact same line Arnold Schwarzenegger says to Linda Hamilton in the movie The Terminator.

Episode #1.5 - S1-E5
Trivia: Tommy Flanagan plays Arthur Shelby Sr, father to Arthur (Paul Anderson) and Tommy (Cillian Murphy). In real life, Flanagan is only 11 years older than Murphy and 13 years older than Anderson. (Incidentally, Arthur is 3 years older than Tommy despite Anderson being 2 years younger than Murphy).