Best TV questions of 2013

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Rick and Morty picture

Season 1 generally

Question: On the IMDB, the credits for each episode in season 1 (except for episode 8) list "Unity" as playing "Themselves" or "Themself", sometimes listed as uncredited and some times not. However I never saw Unity listed in any credits on the show itself. (It should be noted, I'm not talking about the character Unity from season 2 which was voiced by Christina Hendricks). Looking further on IMDB, Unity has appeared on a dance show where it appears Unity is a dance crew and not an individual with a weird name. So whom is Unity playing in a cartoon if they're just dancers and not voice actors? Did the dance crew actually do any voice work or help with any dance scenes, even though they're just drawings and not motion captured?


Chosen answer: It was just an error on IMDB, it seems to have been fixed now.


More Rick and Morty questions
Peaky Blinders picture

Episode #2.2 - S2-E2

Question: Was there prohibition in England? If not, why was Alfie running an underground distillery using a bakery as a cover instead of just having a legit distillery?

Answer: There has never been prohibition in England. There are many reasons for running an underground distillery. It would be a way to avoid things like government regulations, safe distilling methods, alcohol content limits, taxation, fix pricing, and so on.


More Peaky Blinders questions
The Originals picture

Show generally

Question: Can't remember which episode, but when Celeste is put back into her body, she has a French accent and speaks French, but in previous episodes in the flashbacks she had a normal accent. Am I missing something?

Answer: She was in a different body.

More The Originals questions
The Blacklist picture

Show generally

Question: How can Lizzie's father have died in the fire when in an earlier season, Red killed him in the hospital when Lizzie was already an adult?

Answer: The man Red killed, Sam Scott, was Lizzie's adoptive father, not her biological one. However, at that time Lizzie (and thus the audience), was led to believe her real father abandoned her and her mother, so expect more secrets to be revealed how her real father actually died (or if he's even actually dead).


More The Blacklist questions
The Goldbergs picture

Cowboys Suck! - S2-E12

Question: When Barry refers to the stop sign in his room he says "The stop sign where she wanted to go left and I wanted to go right, so I got nervous, went straight." As he was talking about Lainey, soon after Murray says "Well, let's get in the damn car. And bring the stop sign. We got to put it back. It's a serious crime." Is Barry's quote some kind of sexual innuendo, or is it that he actually, accidentally drove into it because of Lainey?

Answer: Not a sexual innuendo at all. Barry drove into it because he couldn't make a decision to either go his way or Lainey's way.


More The Goldbergs questions
Brooklyn Nine-Nine picture

Show generally

Question: Over several episodes we see Captain Holt in competition with other Captains for the position of Commissioner. However, we have seen several Deputy Commissioners on the show. Is Commissioner a position that only Captains are eligible for? Are Deputy Commissioners ineligible? How realistic is this?

Answer: In reality, the Commissioner is a civilian administrator, appointed by the mayor of New York City. He (as of this writing, the role has always been filled by a man; the show gets that part right) is usually someone who has risen through the ranks of the NYPD, but upon becoming Commissioner, is no longer a sworn member of the force (the highest sworn rank is that of Chief). Since Commissioners are appointed, technically anyone can serve in the position, including Deputy Commissioners (who are appointed, in turn, by the Commissioner himself).

Update: On 1 January 2022, Keechant Sewell became the first ever female commissioner of the NYPD.

More Brooklyn Nine-Nine questions

Answer: You would need to be more specific as to which inmate to get an answer as to who possibly belongs in the mental ward. In general; usually the only mentally ill prisoners who go to the mental ward are inmates who show obvious psychotic breaks like Loli and crazy eyes as, with the conditions of prison, it's often difficult to tell who is mentally ill and whose frustrated from the conditions. Many of them are also only there temporarily. Crazy Eyes, first example, was in the mental ward. Her mother fought and won to get her out.

More Orange Is the New Black questions

Chosen answer: Coulson believes he was resuscitated then sent to Tahiti to recuperate. "A magical place," he calls it. But in the "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." episode "The Magical Place", Coulson, through a mind-reading machine, learns that he was treated by S.H.I.E.L.D. and a fake memory of Tahiti was placed as a "mask" of sorts over the painful memory of the operation, which involved a drug seemingly of alien origin to repair the damage, coupled with a lot of morally dubious surgery.

More Agents of SHIELD questions

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