Plot hole: During the scene where Merida gives her speech on "breaking tradition", her mother, as a bear, moves silently behind the majority of the crowd, so they don't see her. Fair enough. However, Merida and her father's clan are all looking in the same general direction (towards the crowd) while she's speaking - how does no one from Merida's clan see a bear moving at the back of the room?

Plot hole: When Elizabeth is interviewing Victoria for the first time, she mentions that Victoria had sent her an application, therefore her name had to have been on it. However, Maggie Evans didn't change her name to Victoria Winters until she was on the train en route to Collinwood for the interview, therefore Elizabeth would have been expecting Maggie Evans, not Victoria Winters.

Plot hole: Ruthven is apparently bitter that he has been denied his chance of becoming an immortal vampire after Clara steals the map from him, which is why he attacks Eleanor. But why doesn't he just go to the island anyway? You don't need to be invited - Clara, Eleanor and Frank aren't. Having been there once, it seems highly unlikely he can't find it again - he's a naval captain, so navigation and observation are major professional skills for him. And it isn't hidden or magically protected - the local boatmen know where it is and are prepared to take people there, although they won't set foot on it themselves. He could quite easily have gone there without the map, entered the shrine and been turned into a vampire if that's what he wanted.

Plot hole: As the island is sinking you can see parts break off, like the island is falling apart, but if it does this every 70 years then there wouldn't be an island. It should have completely fallen apart hundreds of years ago.

Plot hole: When Bella drops off Jacob and Renesmee at Charlie's house, she says she has to do an errand and will be back soon. She then proceeds to drive to Seattle, which is about 130 miles east and separated by a large body of water called Puget Sound. Being that I live in Seattle, I know that the most direct route from Forks to Seattle involves driving from the outer Washington coast through Port Angeles, then Sequim, going over the Hood Canal (toll) Bridge, before going to plus waiting for and riding a ferry across Puget Sound from Kingtston to Edmonds, and then at least another 25 minutes driving south on I-5 to Seattle. Even if Bella drove very fast (which she could not possibly do the entire way), it would take close to four hours one way, depending on traffic, wait and ride time for the ferry, stopping to pay at the toll bridge, and general driving conditions. Bella would also spend almost two hours in Seattle conducting her business with Mr. Jenks (which include driving through the busy downtown traffic, parking, going through the mall to the restaurant, and driving through the city again back to the ferry terminal) before returning to Forks. Depending on what time she originally left to when she got back home, it would be late in the evening. There are several other ways to get to Seattle from Forks, but they would take just as long or much longer.

Plot hole: Selene has been kept in a cryogenic tank for 12 years. And for 12 years the scientists running experiments on her very conveniently kept her boots and skin tight suit in the lab. Not just that: they did not keep them in a locker or in a box, but scattered across different shelves of the glass cabinet where they also store test tubes and big bottles of chemicals. Directly in front of them, in fact. (00:10:00)