Character mistake: When Whip is in the hospital, standing straight in front of the camera is a ridiculous nurse; she takes down the empty IV bag and pulls the bag away from the IV line, she drops the bag on the floor, a big no-no, but try as she might she can't seem to get the spike to go into the new bag. While she's doing all this, she's waving that sterile spike everywhere, touching everything she can, including herself, and picking up germs that will go straight into Whip's IV line, and into his body, when, finally she gets that infected spike into the infected new bag.

Character mistake: At the scene at the dinner table where Pat and Tiffany meet, the prescription drug "Trazadone" is mispronounced with a long A as in "trayzadone." This a fairly common drug used for depression and as a sleep aid. Any nurse or pharmacist could tell you the correct pronunciation. Interestingly, the other lesser known drugs were pronounced correctly.

Character mistake: The check written by Sam Jackson says May 2, 1858. At this point in the movie, it should be 1859.

Character mistake: When Katniss is trying to destroy the supply pile, we see a close up of her drawing back on the her bow. We see she has the arrow to the left of the grip, meaning the fletchings (feathers at the end by the string) have to be facing to the left. Otherwise the fletchings will hit the grip, rip off, and make the arrow unstable in flight and go completely off course. However, the fletchings are are facing to the right and so will hit the grip. Any archer or anyone who is skilled with a bow would know this. (01:32:45)

Character mistake: Dan is supposedly such an expert in Pakistan, but he hands Ammar the cigarette pack with his left hand (unclean to Muslims, and therefore not much of a gesture of hospitality).

Character mistake: In the scene where Carlisle returns with Alistair he asks Edward how many vampires showed up, Edward replies 18. At that point there were only 16. Vladimir and Stefan arrive a few scenes later and are part of the group assembled for battle that totals 18 of the witness vampires.

Character mistake: In the closing credits, as the camera pans across the Star Wars figures on the shelf, you can see the sandperson figure is in the spot labelled Jawa and vice versa for the actual Jawa. (01:50:15)

Character mistake: When Francis Allen is being interviewed by Reagan, Allen presents Reagan cell phone pictures of himself on a yacht to support his alibi. Allen says "the time and date are on the top of the screen, you saw that, didn't you Reagan?" and Reagan agrees. However the date is seen at the bottom of the screen, not the top.

Character mistake: In the news article where it shows how his daughter died, daughter is spelled "Daugher".

Character mistake: It's said in the movie a vice presidential candidate never gave a concession speech. Geraldine Ferraro did this in 1984.