Question: When Carson arrives at the dojo he is friends with everyone except for Jack. But Kim didn't know any of the other kids until Jack because she was a black dragon. How did they all know him?
Answer: Kim says Carson taught her to dance, so we can assume they were friends. Even though Kim was a Black Dragon and didn't hang out with the Wasabi kids, she could easily have been friends with Carson since they went to the same school.
Answer: Because Jack came through a wall.

Question: If Rumplestiltskin can see the future, why is he always surprised when bad things happen?

Question: In what episode does the dad ask Gene why he is dressed like Dexy from Dexy's Midnight Runners?
Answer: S04e15, "The Kids Rob a Train."

Question: One thing I do not understand is this... "if" the souls of the deceased (that die within the walls of "Murder House") are trapped there for eternity then how does the maid get to go see her mother (obviously off premises) and Tate get to meet up with Dr. Harmon for coffee for his appointment?
Chosen answer: Because on Halloween, the souls of The Dead are said to roam the Earth. That includes those souls that are trapped within the walls of the "Murder House".

Question: What exactly did Wilson die of? Was it because of the many dollops he did or was it a mystery?

Question: Is there a reason that Coach was only in the first couple of episodes? It almost seems like they used him in place of Winston, I'm guessing because of a scheduling conflict. It's just really weird that it seems like Coach is going to be one of the main characters and yet Winston comes and Coach is just gone.
Chosen answer: Damon Wayons, Jr., who played Coach, took the role because he believed his current show, "Happy Endings" on ABC, was going to be cancelled. When it was renewed, he had to leave the cast of New Girl. He returned later in the series after Happy Endings was actually cancelled.

Question: Why did the young girl not welcome her Dad home when he came out of the box?
Answer: I'm not sure what little girl the question is asking about. But, the scene in question was a real life surprise to the family of Petty Officer 1st Class Raymond McKnight. It was his wife and two sons that were there. His son was already excited about being on TV and then just shocked at seeing his Dad and didn't know how to react. But then he is hugging and welcoming him home.

Question: Tobin Bell starred in this episode, as what character?
Answer: According to IMDB, he was Charles.

Fifteen Million Merits - S1-E2
Question: Is the phrase "pie ape" British slang, or a mix of slang words? Or is just an insult the writers created that isn't based on anything?
Answer: It's a derogatory slang term made up for the show.

Question: Why did the cord on the wall phone in the police station change from straight in the early episodes to coiled later?

Question: Is there any reason they have to go to that particular time to start their colony? Why not say 64 million years ago? Since it's after the dinosaurs, but before the evolution of sabertooths and mammoths? It'd be a lot safer.
Chosen answer: Because that's where the rift led. They don't have a time-travel machine, capable of taking them wherever they please - all they have is a hole in time leading to one single time period.

Question: Why does Giovanni Sforza not prove he is not impotent? Was he in fact not able to perform in front of others or find the woman undesirable? I know historically he agreed to the annulment; but why? Was this scene historically accurate?
Chosen answer: The Borgias arranged Lucrezia's marriage to Giovanni Sforza for their own political gain. When Giovanni was no longer considered useful to them politically, they sought to end the marriage. Eventually, Giovanni reluctantly agreed to admit to impotence in exchange for keeping Lucrezia's dowry, which normally would have reverted back to the family in the event of an annulment. Divorce was rare at that time, and being unable to consummate a marriage was one grounds for an annulment. In the series, when the Borgias convene the College of Cardinals to have Giovanni prove his potency by performing with two overweight and unattractive prostitutes, he refuses because he is humiliated. The historical facts are mostly accurate, though the part about the prostitutes is probably fiction.

Kill the Boy - S5-E5
Question: Ramsay talks with his father about Walda. Ramsay asks, "How did you manage it? Getting her pregnant." and Bolton responds, "I imagine you're familiar with the procedure." Then Ramsay says "Of course, but how did you find it?" to which Bolton didn't answer. So what did he mean by "find it"?

Question: As his wife, why does Jessica address Brody by his last name instead of his first name?
Chosen answer: Everyone else calls him Brody or Sgt. Brody, and it probably became habit to her.
Can't get the source but I read that even the Producer responded to that. Stating that it was common practise for a military wife living in a military complex as everybody refers to their husband by their last name.
Answer: Because he was friends with Kim but he went to the same dojo as the other kids that's how he knows both Kim and the other kids.
No, it never said that. Maybe I'm mistaken, but she wasn't cool with anyone from Bobby Wasabi at the alleged time. So if she did know Carson it wasn't like they were friends, more like enemies if they did know each other.