Corrected entry: When Rick is using the binoculars on top of the building to scout out the get-a-way trucks behind the fence for their escape, he is scanning over towards the trucks and fence line, seeing the walkers between them and the fence. In the far distance you can see the highway and a car driving over it, presumably an in-use road not closed for filming that still has people driving as usual in real-life. (00:23:20)

Corrected entry: In the pool scene, after Moriarty leaves, Sherlock sets the gun on the floor to help John out of his coat. After he gets it off and tosses it away, he goes off screen for a few seconds. He did not pick up the gun before he left, but he comes back holding it. (01:26:45)
Correction: When Sherlock goes off screen, he goes to pick up the gun and search the area for Moriarty and the snipers. It is obvious that Sherlock picks up the gun because he is seen bending down just before going off-screen.

Corrected entry: During the scene with Hannah and her mom in the kitchen talking, it switches from day to night outside between a single shot.
Correction: Just watched this scene. You can see the sun slowly begin to fade between the two shots, meaning that something is blocking it. The scene is still in the daytime.

Corrected entry: When Jade finds out Sinjin is in her house, he runs, then Tori says, "OK, we're not expecting anymore chat requests." Or something like that. Right when she says that, if you look on her screen, Sinjin's video chat box is gone. How could it be gone if Sinjin did not sign out and Tori didn't kick him from chat?
Correction: Sinjin kicked himself out of the chat party, when it cuts to Tori after he said "Please don't tell my mother".

Corrected entry: Gunnery Sergeant Haney wears three chevrons and one "rocker", actually the insignia for the lower rank of Platoon Sergeant.
Correction: In the book "the Pacific", it's explained: everyone (including Captain Haldane and Cowboy) calls Haney "gunny" but he actually does not hold that rank. He was one of the few Marines to see combat in WW1, and was relegated to a stateside assignment in WW2, but he jumped a ship and headed for combat in the Pacific. Due to his experience, demeanor, etc., everyone respectfully refers to him as "Gunny" Haney.

Corrected entry: Mr Carson says he has "registered" the house in the name of him and Mrs Hughes. Not if this was 1924! The Land Registration Act was introduced in 1925, effective 1 Jan 1926.
Correction: The Land Registration Act of 1925 was just an extension of an already in place land registration system. Land registration was already in effect, starting with the Land Registry Act of 1862. Certainly no mistake that he "registered" the house in 1924.

The One About Mikayla's Friends - S2-E12
Corrected entry: Mikayla and Candace are wearing high heeled sandals when they talk to the kings, are both wearing flats when walking in the jungle and then both are in the heels again when they are trapped in the volcano.
Correction: The girls are still wearing the sandal flats when in the volcano, they probably just changed into them to walk through the jungle.

Corrected entry: When Steve arrives in Hawaii and is waiting for the Governor, he is not wearing his cover, later replacing it when he ends the meeting. Members of the military always wear their covers while outside. They only remove them upon entering a building.
Correction: The Governor met McGarrett at the Arizona Memorial Site at Pearl Harbour, as Steve says in order to sway him emotionally. This memorial is also the grave of his grandfather. Therefore, Steve McGarrett has every reason to be uncovered here, as it is a military memorial and his grandfather's grave.

Corrected entry: The New York City Police Commissioner wears a four star rank insignia on his collars, badge and lapel pin. The actual insignia worn by the police commissioner is five stars.
Correction: The Commissioner is not a sworn police officer and wears no insignia. The four stars worn by both Frank and Henry Reagan reference their final positions as sworn police officers prior to being appointed Commissioner. As such, they are entitled to wear their final rank of insignia, which in both cases, was Chief of the Department, which is four stars. If one or the other had been appointed Commissioner at the time they were a two star Assistant Chief, then two stars is what they would wear on their dress blues.

I Love Lucci: Part One - S2-E6
Corrected entry: In the episode I love Lucci, the girls to go LA and Victoria is shooting a scene in All my Children, which was filmed in New York.
Correction: AMC taped in Manhattan since its inception until late 2009, then the AMC production was moved to LA. This Hot in Cleveland episode, which aired February 2011, is correct.

Melt My Heart to Stone - S3-E10
Corrected entry: The investigation centers on murdered prostitutes. About half-way through the episode, a streetwalker says one dead girl had a regular patron named "Bear," and describes him as a black construction worker. After the commercial break, "Bear" is being questioned at police HQ, but he's white.
Correction: She said he was white.

Corrected entry: It shows Spike was part of Twilight's family since she was a child, but in other episodes, Spike was given as a gift from Princess Celesta.
Correction: When Spike was given to Twilight as an egg, Twilight was still very young and was enrolling early for Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Twilight's family then raised him and they grew up together. See S1E23 'The Cutie Mark Chronicles'.
Correction: It is still early in the Apocalypse and people are still using cars and as you pointed out the group is going to use a car to get back to camp. In fact Rick and the group use cars for quite a few seasons, Daryl is still using his motorcycle In season 9. The fact that someone else is also driving is not a mistake.