Easter egg: If you go to the special features, then go to page two, click on Visual Effects Progression Scenes. Once there, highlight Play All. From Play all press the up arrow on your remote, followed by the right arrow. A dart board will light up red. Press enter and watch a funny slow mo flick.
Easter egg: On the Unrated Bonus Features version, if you go to Sneak Peeks on the main menu and push the down arrow key, a red ring will appear on the bottom of the A in Adventureland. Hit the enter key and you will win a prize.
Easter egg: On the main menu, go to "Innstillinger" (Settings), press Up and Enter on your DVD remote control to see a selection of outtakes from the movie.
Easter egg: Go to the Special Menu. Go down to where it says EXTRAS. Push the left button of the remote and the left blinker light on the Vespa will be red. It will show you the email of the old woman. From there you can push the down button on the remote and the other light will turn red and that will show you part of the speech in the Chinese restaurant.