Other mistake: When the mayor is talking behind the chainlink fence, with Brent in the background eating sardines, you can see as the mayor grabs the fence, his thumbs clip through the fence wire. This occurs on both hands and easily visible, particularly when Mayor Shelbourne says, "Otherwise, I'm just a tiny mayor of a tiny town full of tiny sardine-sucking knuckle-scrapers." (00:10:52)
Suggested correction: This isn't really what happens, although it looks like it does. The mayor's thumbs are not pointing outwards, they are curled around the fence wire. As he continues to grab the fence, his thumbs don't clip through it, they curl more and more around it, getting a tighter grip on it. Then when Brent says, "But not me, right?", he lets go, and you can see his thumbs curl back out. This is all visible if you look close enough.

Other mistake: When Buck tells about his fight with Rudy, he swings while saying "Back, forth" in front of the others. They are looking the wrong way. He is also swinging on nothing at all.

Other mistake: When The Chipettes perform their audition for Ian Hawke they are standing on the Jett Records sign on the roof of the Jett Records building. In order for the sign to read correctly from the street, Ian and The Chipettes should have a backwards view of the lettering. In the movie the sign reads correctly from Ian and The Chipettes point of view, meaning that it is giving a backwards view to the street, ie. it is the wrong way round.

Other mistake: Charlotte's dad buys a newspaper in the beginning of the film. The same two paragraphs about Prince Naveen are repeated all over the front page, including under the headline 'Annual Goosenhoper State Gumbo Faire Is Smashing Success.' (00:08:45)

Other mistake: When Tinker Bell constructs a boat with the playing cards paddle wheel, she uses a clip and a rope to make sure the paddle wheel doesn't start turning. However the rope would only work at stopping the rotation if the wheel turned backwards. Since it turns forward, the rope shouldn't be able to stop the rotation.

Other mistake: In the crowd near the end, if you look very closely you can see unit 2013 twice.

Other mistake: The Spanish version has all the titles and signs changed to Spanish text as we can see when Carl opens the photo album. However, a side angle shows the letters 'O' and 'D' revealing it's the original English text, "Things To do."

Other mistake: There is a shot of a random newspaper blowing around in the middle of San Francisco. But the paper is from New York, with headlines about New York.

Other mistake: When 1 strikes off 2 (I think) from the calendar we can see that 1 is Wednesday, 2 is Thursday, 3 is Friday and that 4 is Saturday but 5 is Monday; meaning that Sunday has no date.

Other mistake: When Max is reading the note Mary left on the first page of her book, the words Mary speaks continue on the next page, but Max never turns the page.

Other mistake: When the Amazons interrogate Steve they don't know the meaning of the word "crap" yet they know one of the definitions of the word "rack."
Suggested correction: Just because they understand some slang, doesn't mean they should understand all slang.
Well if they're an ancient race then how do they know of the use of the word rack regarding female anatomy? One of them went out into the modern world and learned this? Hera tell them this? Maybe they got internet or a modern dictionary?
Well obviously they know stuff about the modern world. Diana could speak Dutch fluently, not Old Dutch either, but modern Dutch. So they do get information or else she wouldn't have known that. This would include slang.

Other mistake: When Lupin brings the princess back to the palace by car after meeting Conan at the cherry tree, he drives by a street sign that says "St. SANTIHUU34" and one that says "idajfojafas;" Even if Vespania is a fictional country, it does not seem to have a fictional language, and we can say with sufficient certainty that semicolons do not belong in city or street names. (01:15:05)