Audio problem: An early scene in the movie has Chinese soldiers recruiting Tibetans to work on a secret project which they are told is a dam. As the scene ends, the sound of explosives draws everyone's eyes towards the mountains, where the explosions can be seen several miles in the distance. The sight and sound of these explosions take place simultaneously. Sound travels much slower than light. In reality, there should have been some delay before the sound of the explosions was heard.

Audio problem: During the battle in Adrian Veidt's lair he catches a bullet. He pulls the slug from his palm but as he drops the slug we hear the sound of a spent shell casing hitting the floor (empty brass) not the heavy lead bullet.

Audio problem: When Larry sees the bust of Theodore Roosevelt in the Smithsonian, he calls out "Teddy!" But if you listen carefully after that he says "Robin!" presumably referring to Robin Williams who plays Teddy. (00:51:40)

Audio problem: Drake places the tea kettle on the stove having just finished pouring the water into his cup. The kettle whistle dies down as he places it on the unheated burner. The problem is that the whistling would've stopped soon after lifting the kettle from the hot burner, and certainly wouldn't have gone on while he was pouring. (00:57:10)

Audio problem: Landa enters the farmer's house and talks to the girls but a side angle shows his mouth not moving, despite sound coming out. It only starts moving when he says the word 'Monsieur'.

Audio problem: As Bison's car drives through the angry crowd, one of Bison's men fires a gun into the air. It is heard firing twice, but the muzzle only flashes once.

Audio problem: We get a shot of a Predator drone taking off, and it is driven by a propeller. However, it makes the sound of a plane with a jet engine.