Best horror movie audio problems of 2008

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Repo! The Genetic Opera picture

Audio problem: Right before the end credits, as Grave Robber says "But Genco may survive if it undergoes surgery", right as Grave Robber says the word "may", his lips briefly don't match what is being said. (Confirmed in DVD commentary.).


More Repo! The Genetic Opera audio problems
Prom Night picture

Audio problem: During a scene where Donna is exiting her hotel room, she runs into Clair and both scream. However, Clair's scream cannot be heard, but an odd screeching sound is played in place of her scream, which continues even after her mouth has been closed.

Michael Piscitelli

More Prom Night audio problems
Twilight picture

Audio problem: In the Prom Gazebo scene, Bella wonders why Edward will not turn her into a vampire. Edward says, "I'm not going to END your life for you." These words do not match his mouth and appear to be dubbed. "End" being dubbed over some other word, possibly beginning with a "B". (01:46:40)

More Twilight audio problems
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor picture

Audio problem: During the final scene, when Mad Dog says "Evening girls! You're looking well!" and "Ooo! It's a fine night to be me!" his mouth isn't moving. They almost get away with it because his face is partially obscured for the first line, but you can still see that he isn't actually speaking.


More The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor audio problems
The Machine Girl picture

Audio problem: When Ami first gets her machine-gun arm and is blasting away at the teenage Ninjas (in red), when she blows a hole through the stomach of the second Ninja, you can hear one extra gun-shot after Ami stops firing her gun.

More The Machine Girl audio problems

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