Question: Where do the stairs in the substation lead? It has been said multiple times that they lead to the living room of their loft but they are never seen. There are stairs on the sides but the ones going down are to their basement.
Question: When Mick is narrating at one point, he says that having to feed off Beth would make his life unbearable. But later he was able to drink her blood without killing her or turning her into a vampire. If he was able to do that, what was so unbearable about having to feed off her?
Answer: I don't think he actually meant his life would be unbearable. I just think he meant that he wouldn't be able to live with himself, figuratively speaking, if he was to feed off the woman he loved. Expecially after spending 22 years protecting her from danger, he would be the one to cause her pain.
Answer: Honestly I've been confused too. Thought the ones going down went to Justin's bedroom or to the station. Then the ones out the door went maybe to an elevator to those stairs I guess. Then the one to the side went to the lair But the freezer also leads to the lair or a secret spot sometimes too.
I think the ones in the sub shop go right up to a hallway in front of the loft, then the ones in the lair go to the bedrooms upstairs. Now there's a way to get to the lair from the loft and I believe it would be past the kitchen down to the hallway where we don't really see except in like one episode. Now what confuses me the most is the lair because when Harper finds out you see Alex using magic to open it into the lair but in every other episode you open it and it's the lair.