Best thriller movie easter eggs of 2007

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Transformers picture

Easter egg: Not sure ifs it on the Standard DVD as well, but on HD-DVD on the 2nd disk, when you highlight 'Our World' and press left on the remote, Megatron's head pops up to the right and by pressing enter you view the DVD's credits.

Carl Missouri

More Transformers easter eggs
National Treasure: Book of Secrets picture

Easter egg: On the 2-disc Collectors Edition, go to the second page of the "Bonus Features" and highlight "Evolution of a Golden City". Press the left arrow button on the remote twice and a small figurehead will appear on the lower left corner of the doorway. Press the "Enter" button and enjoy.

More National Treasure: Book of Secrets easter eggs
Spider-Man 3 picture

Easter egg: On disc one highlight the outtakes and press left twice. Spidey's eyes will turn yellow. Press enter and you will be shown a clip about the outtake music.

More Spider-Man 3 easter eggs

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