Best musical movie factual errors of 2007

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Enchanted picture Enchanted mistake picture

Factual error: When animated Giselle begins to sing and brushes her hair, the reflection of her "one true love" is visible in the mirror. Problem is that its image is not reversed in the reflection. (00:02:00)

Super Grover

More Enchanted factual errors
Hairspray picture

Factual error: The movie is set in 1962, but when Tracy misses her bus, she catches a ride on an International-Harvester truck that wasn't introduced until 1969.

More Hairspray factual errors
Sweeney Todd picture

Factual error: When Sweeney is sharpening his blades, most noticeably during the shaving contest, he is sharpening toward the blade, which you simply can't do with a razor blade and leather strop. A razor will slice right into the leather. He also doesn't even have the blade flat to the leather so again they're not remotely sharp as a sharp blade would easily sink right into the leather. Pirelli is using roughly the correct technique, even though they're trying to portray him as sloppy. (00:35:50)

More Sweeney Todd factual errors
Across the Universe picture

Factual error: Although set in the 1960's, a modern UPS truck is seen just before the rooftop concert scene.

More Across the Universe factual errors

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