Question: Maybe I'm missing something, but why can't Elizabeth just live on Will's boat at the end? Someone suggested it was because she cannot go into Davy Jones' Locker, but she has been there and got out before so why not again? Also, Will's father isn't dead but he can travel with Will, so why couldn't Elizabeth just join his crew?

Question: What was the bill, if passed, going to do? The one Long kept trying to pass and convince (The Senate I believe) the other congressmen to pass.
Answer: With it, Long would have been able to destroy the land, create another dam and get more houses built. However, like the first dam, he would have cut corners which would cause the new dam to eventually break.
They were members of the house of representatives.

Question: When Umbridge has Harry, his friends and the Slytherin students in her office, she asks Harry if he was going to warn Dumbledore. When he says he wasn't, she responds by slapping him in the face. In the background, Draco has a look of shock on his face. Considering the fact that he hates Harry, why would he react this way?
Answer: It was probably a mistake. Tom Felton may have flinched by accident.

Question: Robbie's soldier friend (I think his name was Nettle) was so calm and compassionate with him. He said that the hiding place was in reality the beach cottage and he protects Robbie from the angry soldiers. Did he do that because he saw how sick he is and probably knew, deep inside, that Robbie will not survive the night until the evacuation, and wanted to give him a peaceful end? Why does he take Robbie's letters and pictures with him?
Answer: I think he realizes that Robbie most likely won't make it. He takes the letters so that he can get them back to his loved ones. He probably knows that there is a last goodbye to someone (his girl/his mother) in them. And, if nothing else, even if his body doesn't make it back to them, they have a piece of him to cherish.

Question: How long does Ghost Rider's penance stare work for?
Answer: The movie doesn't show how long the effects of the Penance Stare last. I have Morbius #1, in which Ghost Rider uses his Penance Stare on Morbius, who recovers from it relatively quickly. I don't know definitively because I haven't read very many Ghost Rider comics, but the duration of the effects could vary depending on how much remorse the person already felt for their past sins, or how much their own super powers allow them to recover from it. From what I understand, the Penance Stare doesn't work on the Punisher, as he feels no remorse for the people he's killed. It also had no effect on Deadpool, as his greatest victim is himself and it actually caused Ghost Rider to revert to his human form when he tried it on Deadpool.
Answer: It depends on the person. The penance stare is used to torture the victim into reliving every bit of mean and sinful behaviour in their life time. So if the victim is older and committed more sinful acts, it will last longer than say a 20 year old who hasn't committed that many acts.

Question: Whose house was it? The mother mentioned she was not the lady of the house. Was she a caretaker?
Answer: When Captain Hamilton and his troop first arrive he is greeted at the front door by Mrs. MacMorrow, Kirstie and Angus. He then says, "The housekeeper, Mrs. MacMorrow, is making all the arrangements," whereupon he realizes HQ failed to notify her of their arrival. Then Mrs. MacMorrow says, "When Lord Killin went off to the RAF, only a few of us stayed on here...I'm afraid I really would need Lord Killin's permission." Later it is also made clear that the shed (where Angus hangs out and Lewis Mowbray stays) was used by his father, who was a caretaker on Lord Killin's estate.

Question: If Sandra is at the scene of the accident, what is the purpose of the police officer showing up at the door to tell her Jim is dead?
Answer: It's fairly obvious that this film's theme is that knowing the future changes it. I.e. knowing there would be an accident, she travelled there and caused an accident.
Answer: Possibly she left the scene before the police arrived, so they did not know she had been there.

Question: I don't get the joke Chris told Liz in the cabin motel about the Zen master that ordered a hotdog with everything. What was funny?
Chosen answer: The Zen master tells the hotdog vendor to "Make me one with everything," a pun, of sorts, on the Zen philosophy of becoming one with the universe.

Question: Did anyone else notice how much more blue Sue's eyes seemed to be in this movie than the first? Was that a mistake or intentional?
Answer: I would assume that the director wanted to make her appear closer to the comic book Sue...this would also explain how blonde her hair is in this film.

Question: WARNING: BIG PLOT SPOILER - I did not completely understand what the devil had to do with the saved people killing other people the third day after they had been saved. According to the plot, "tria mera" is Greek for "third day". The question was "if Jesus came back to life at the third day, what happened with the devil?" That was supposed to explain the killings. I hope someone can give me further clarification.
Chosen answer: The third day (according to the movie) after someone uses the white light to save someone, is when the devil can step in and try to cause chaos. They did try to explain this in the movie, though it didn't make a lot of sense for anyone with any idea about the subject.

Question: It's obvious that both Giselle and Edward know that jumping back into the sewer will get them back to where they came from, so why doesn't Giselle jump back in right away when she is first tossed into New York?
Answer: Obviously, Giselle didn't know. She was shoved into the wishing well by the hag and had no idea what had happened to her. Edward, being familiar with his stepmother's magic, was better prepared.

Question: Why does Charming claim to be the "rightful king of Far Far Away"? He is not in the hereditary line of succession and failed to marry Fiona, which is the relationship that made Shrek an heir.
Answer: He was arrogant and narcissistic, who believed the throne was his because he was a prince, charming and handsome. A legend in his own mind.

Question: When does the song "I Learned From You," play in the movie?
Answer: It is the first song over the credits, the second is "A Place for us".
Answer: From the point of view of the Dutchman, Bootstrap is dead enough to serve on the ship. The idea is that Jones rescues people who would otherwise simply have drowned and makes them serve on his ship in lieu of death; as such, they can be considered technically deceased. Elizabeth has been into the Locker, yes, but with the demise of Jones, the Locker may not even exist any more. Will's task is to escort the dead into the afterlife, not the Locker - while Elizabeth survived the Locker, the afterlife may be something entirely different. The rules regarding the Dutchman and the duties of her crew are never spelled out, but it seems that, no, Elizabeth cannot live on her.
Tailkinker ★