Deliberate mistake: If you pay extremely close attention to the scene of all of the Decepticons responding to the small Transformer's message regarding the location of the Allspark, notice that the shot of the police car and the fake helicopter pilot are duplicate shots used earlier in the film.

Deliberate mistake: During the scene where Carlos and L.J. are searching the motel, L.J. sees a zombie which turns out to be a reflection in a wall-length mirror. L.J. shoots, breaking the mirror and realizing his mistake. But, if he had been standing in front of the mirror as shown, he should have seen his own reflection standing there as well. This was done as an homage to a similar encounter in the original game. (00:24:20)

Deliberate mistake: When Randy is playing with Agent Rodriguez's gun (after first meeting him), when he accidentally fires it, you can tell the film inexplicably cuts forward a few frames into the same shot, as Randy's body suddenly shifts position and the gun is facing upwards, rather than at an angle as it was the frame before.

Deliberate mistake: At the end of the movie, where the girls chase stuntman Mike, they drive the upper dusty road. When their car is shown front outside angle, there's a lot of dust rising from the camera crew's car. But when the camera angle gets into their car and shoots strait ahead - the dust is all gone, the air is perfectly clear.

Deliberate mistake: Below deck aboard the Pearl, when Will says, "You make your choices in life ," and later, when Elizabeth and Will are on the beach, Elizabeth's eye makeup and curled up lashes are very apparent in her close-ups.

Deliberate mistake: The floating contact mine that explodes at the end of the movie would never have been put in an evidence room in a police station. Barring that error for the plot's sake, FCMs weigh 450lbs and would have required a hydraulic crane and a cart to move it, not just a couple of guys. They also did not contain clocks. (00:42:40)

Deliberate mistake: In the scene where the Wild Hogs are driving past the bikers' bar, Woody uses his throttle hand to show the bikers his middle finger, yet the bike is still able to accelerate.

Deliberate mistake: When John crashes the car against the elevator room, the cables he and the woman hold on to are clean, when they should be greasy - thus allowing for them to hold safely.

Deliberate mistake: A stunt double for 47 got hurt on camera and yelled, very obviously. Right after the sword fight on the train the last man 47 is fighting continues the fight hand to hand under the tracks. Timothy Olyphants stunt double throws a punch and he grips his hand, yells and his face comes into screen for a moment. Next shot, Timothy Olyphant throwing his own punches.