Nathan Stark: Good job, Carter... Wow, that didn't even leave a bad taste in my mouth.
Marshall Jack Carter: Wait for it.
Nathan Stark: ...Oh, there it is.
Matt Albie: Look, I hate Los Angeles just like everybody else, but I have to work here because in any other part of the country I'm unemployable.
Captain Jack Harkness: Captain Jack Harkness, note the stripes.
Captain John Hart: Captain John Hart, note the sarcasm.
Captain Jack Harkness: Hey, I worked my way up through the ranks.
Captain John Hart: I bet the ranks were very grateful.
Little John: Taxes we do not like.
Brian Peluso: You are gorgeous, absolutely, unequivocally, unrelentingly, gorgeous. With a perfect, I repeat perfect, body.
Hiro Nakamura: Save the cheerleader, save the world.