Question: Why does Director Gordon (the headmistress) say that the damage Tyler did was the cost of a child's tuition, he has cost someone their future? It seems that, if anything, the school would accept that student and use their tuition to pay for the damages, thus helping the child's future.

Question: Why was Beethoven depicted as an obnoxious, rude and unlikable man in this movie? I read that in the real life he wasn't such a bad person.
Answer: It's a fictional version of Beethoven. Artistic license is used to enhance the drama by embellishing Beethoven's personality, likely to show his anger, frustration, and despondency over becoming deaf. Like many similar biographical movies, it is not meant to be an accurate portrait.
Answer: Money that could have been used for a scholarship must now be used to pay for the damages. Scholarships aside, the tuition a student pays goes to pay the staff and the normal upkeep of the school, adding a student does not create "free" money.