Best history movie factual errors of 2006

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World Trade Center picture

Factual error: Rescuer and US Marine Jason Thomas is an African-American in real life, but was portrayed in the film as a white man. The film's producers realized the mistake only after production began, and apologized to Thomas, whose identity had not been widely known for years after September 11th.

Jedd Jong

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Hollywoodland picture

Factual error: Louis Simo gives his son an Etch-A-Sketch while taking him to school, and later when Louis stops by to see his son at his ex-wife's house, his son is playing with the Etch-A-Sketch in his bedroom. Both incidents take place in the summer of 1959. George Reeves died June 16, 1959, hence the investigation. The first Etch-A-Sketch toys were produced on July 12, 1960 and Ohio Art launched the toy in the United States in time for the 1960 holiday season.


More Hollywoodland factual errors

300 (2006)

300 picture

Factual error: In at least one scene, near the end of the film, metallic alloy dental fillings can be seen inside King Leonidas' mouth. Fillings of this type were not used until the 7th century A.D.

More 300 factual errors
Flags of Our Fathers picture

Factual error: When the Marines strip off and run into the sea in the final scene, Doc takes off a pair of white socks that would be more appropriate for a final at Wimbledon. Not only are they white rather than khaki, they are virtually spotlessly clean which would be impossible after a week of fighting on the black sands of Iwo Jima.

More Flags of Our Fathers factual errors
More United 93 factual errors
Letters From Iwo Jima picture

Factual error: When American Cosair fighter planes strafe the Japanese soldiers with their machine guns, only two columns of bullets are seen striking the ground. These planes had six machine guns; there should be six columns.

Bruce Trestrail

More Letters From Iwo Jima factual errors
The Wind That Shakes the Barley picture

Factual error: Midway through the film, the IRA flying column successfully ambushes a motorised British patrol. Immediately afterwards, when the column's survivors are milling about on the roadway, one IRA man is shown to be armed with a German Mauser Kar 98k bolt action rifle. This is historically incorrect, as this weapon did not go into production until after Hitler's assumption of power in the 1930's - at least thirteen years after the events depicted in the film.

More The Wind That Shakes the Barley factual errors
Marie Antoinette picture

Factual error: Marie Antoinette has moved into her new vacation home following the birth of her daughter. Her friends are visiting, she is walking through the field of wildflowers, and she blows a ladybug off her finger. The camera pans upward to show her gazing at the sky. There is a very obvious vapor-trail from a large airliner cutting through the center of the camera shot, from one side of the screen to the opposite, predating jet-liners by over 150 years. (01:25:25)

More Marie Antoinette factual errors
Amazing Grace picture

Factual error: On the way into the health spa, Wilberforce's friend says they should hurry or they'll be late. Wilberforce replies "the waters have been here for a million years - how could we be late?". In the late 1700s, no-one in Europe thought the world was that old.

More Amazing Grace factual errors
Sharpe's Challenge picture

Factual error: Sharpe follows a wagonload of powder kegs into the Western Gatehouse, then down a corridor lit with torches, to the end of the corridor where Indians were tying together quickmatch, once again by torchlight. With the propensity for powder kegs to leak, even an Indian subadar would use closed lanterns.

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