Plot hole: When Geoff meets Hitch in the zoo, he says he got his number from Albert Brennaman, but we have not seen a connection between Albert and Vance, so there is no reason for the team to tie it back to Albert and Hitch. Even if the tickets for the club being in Alex's name for Albert and Allegra's date were a clue, then Sara would not have been surprised to see Hitch at the zoo... So how did they know to use Albert's name? Why wouldn't they just use Vance's name, since they actually got the connect from him, believing that it was in fact Hitch's job to hook men up with women? (01:21:30)

Plot hole: About two thirds of the way into the film, Gina comes running into Montebello's to talk to Joe, while Joe bursts into Prestolani's to confront Gina. Of course, in typical romantic comedy fashion, they just miss each other. However, the two pizzerias are directly next to each other, and both characters were using the front doors. Therefore, there is no way that they could possibly have missed each other.

Plot hole: The movie takes place before and around 1938 and, supposedly ends in that year, following the entrance in Shanghai of the Japanese, with the exodus by many Chinese and foreign residents. Ralph Fiennes' character, as an American ex-diplomat and businessman, would have resided, have bank accounts, his car, etcetera, in the foreign concessions. The Japanese did not occupy the concessions until after Pearl Harbor, so there was no need for him to flee the city, as a refugee without a passport and with little or no money, sailing towards Macao in a fragile Chinese junk. He could just have driven or walked a few blocks to any of the "Western" concessions, from where he could have married Natasha Richardson's character, obtained U.S. passports (White Russians had none, as the rest of her family in the movie until assisted by an official in the French Consulate) for her and her daughter, purchased a ticket in a safer vessel, sold his assets (regardless of the damage to his club, he still had a house, furniture, a car, presumably bank accounts, etc.).

Plot hole: In the scene where Ann is laying/sleeping with Kong on the cliff, her dress should not only be beyond filthy, but it should be tattered and shredded. It doesn't so much as have a thread out of place after being carried so violently through the jungle and being caught between Kong and the dinosaur. Also, she at this point has been in Kong's possession for several hours to a day or so, and not once has she even shown any signs of hunger, thirst, or the need to relieve herself.

Plot hole: When Pumpkin is telling Sayuri about Hatsumomo talking to Dr. Crab, she says that she was waiting outside during the conversation, and while she could hear it, she couldn't see them. However, at one point Pumpkin describes a facial expression of Dr. Crab.

Plot hole: In the yearbook scene Tim barges into Jamie's room and asks her to sign his yearbook, pushes Chris off the bed, and they somehow get their yearbooks mixed up. Tim's yearbook is left in the room with Jamie and Chris, while Tim takes Jamie's yearbook that Chris wrote in with him. When Chris asks Jamie to read the message he wrote in her yearbook, she instead reads the message that Tim wrote to her in his own yearbook. If Tim was asking Jamie to sign his yearbook, why would sign the yearbook with as if he was signing Jamie's. If he was intending to sign Jamie's yearbook, he would have written in the same yearbook that Chris wrote in and not his own.