Easter egg: Go to special features and press button to go to next menu, when there keep pushing the right arrow. You will see a question mark press enter and see how they created Samara.

Easter egg: On the DVD's Main Menu highlight the menu entry 'Play' and then press the 'Left' arrow key on your remote control to highlight the bottom left corner of the main TV screen in the background. Now press the 'Enter' key and you will have the chance to take a look at a special letter.

Easter egg: If you look under Special Features, use the arrow keys to highlight "On Set Peeks", then use the left arrow key to light up a Red symbol. If you click on it, another menu called Haunts will appear with 2 more features - one shows a long version of the home movies shown in the film. The other is a scare reel that shows all the scary parts of the movie condensed to about 2 minutes.

Easter egg: On Disc 2 go to Special Features, select The Production From Hell, highlight Main Menu and click left. This will make a cross visible. Click OK. This will take you to some stunt coordinations.