Plot hole: When Dan is chasing after Carter to catch him and Alex together at the restaurant, there's very little chance he could have had any idea where Carter was going. He couldn't have told the cab driver to "follow that taxi" because in the time between Carter getting in a cab and Dan getting in a cab about 5 taxis drive past, so how he happens to end up at the same place is a miracle.
Plot hole: Bridget is wearing a shirt from Mrs. Darcy (the line about Mark's mother's taste in shirts, which is said while showing BOTH shirts, definitely suggests that - her idea of cuteness for a couple, I guess), which doesn't make sense because the first movie ended on New Year's Eve (we know that because Shazzer and the rest of the gang were taking Bridget to Paris that night to celebrate the New Year, but Bridget ended up with Mark - unless the movie take place a year later, which it doesn't, it takes place the next day). Consequently, there is no way Mrs. Darcy would have known about Bridget and Mark in time to get her a shirt too and offer it to her. Mark couldn't have brought it to Bridget, because she arrives alone at her mother's New Year's Day turkey curry buffet; Mark is already there, wearing the shirt his mother gave him, which suggests they split ways that morning, after their first night together.
Plot hole: At the end of the movie when getting out of the bear pit, the crew decides to use a ladder when a set of stairs can be seen. Was this so Vince Vaughn could give his respect speech?
Suggested correction: You forgot to mention the stairs are also in the bear cave and there's no guarantee they lead out of the pit.
Plot hole: When Jo is getting to walk down the aisle with Queen Clarisse, he hands Shades his top hat and then pops his ear piece right off, in a split second, and puts it in the top hat. In the previous scenes, Princess Mia has Lionel's ear piece stretched from the back of his neck, across his jaw and around his chin and then stretched to her ear but it hasn't popped out, while Queen Clarisse jerks Charlotte with her when she goes to listen to Princess Mia.
Plot hole: The hot air balloon carries Fogg and friends quite a distance, but where is the heat source?
Plot hole: Lucy has been painting pictures of Henry since she moved into the institute. But she passes him at the zoo and doesn't recognize him.
Plot hole: Why would Matt sign over the rights to his pictures with Lucy, when he later tells Jenna that he hasn't believed a word Lucy says since High school? (01:15:00)
Plot hole: The Russian with the goat medicine is transferring flights from Toronto. The likelihood that he would be doing that rather than flying into Russia directly from Canada is pretty slim. However, assuming he did, there are two major errors with this scenario. First, U.S. customs is cleared in Pearson Airport in Toronto so he would not be dealing with Dixon at all in New York. Secondly, it's unlikely he would be dealing with customs at all, as it would place all transferring passengers in a holding area and send them on their plane with no opportunity to go anywhere except onto the other planes. While the U.S. reserves the right to interrogate anyone entering the U.S., the fact is it would transfer him out as quickly as possible. (01:07:15)
Suggested correction: When the movie was made, there were no direct flights to Russia from Canada. Even today, most flights change planes in either Frankfurt, London, Helsinki, etc. There are cheaper flights originating or connecting in the US, so it is very likely he that he would travel to New York to get a direct flight to Moscow. When I travel to Russia, it is cheaper for me to get a flight to Seattle, and fly directly to Moscow, than to fly out of Canada and transfer planes in Europe. Since 911, ALL passengers travelling through the US must clear customs in the US even if only transferring flights. All passengers must deplane, and all luggage is removed from the plane, checked, and loaded again. If the Russian has goat medicine in his luggage, the FDA would definitely be interested in why he has it, and what for.
This is incorrect. You only have to clear customs on a US layover if your final destination is in the US. If your point of origin and the destination are outside the US and you just have a layover in the US you just need to go through the regular transit formalities not customs.
No, you are incorrect. I've done it many times. Post 9/11, if you use the US as transit point between two countries you need to clear immigration and customs. Moreover, you need a visa (or visa waiver).
Plot hole: Near the end of the film it's revealed that Drew grew up poor with only his mother, who had to work double shifts to survive. So how did they afford that huge house? Even the Valcos are supposed to be struggling financially yet they now live in this massive house too.
Plot hole: The plot that a piece of the Roman spear that pierced Christ ends up in a hidden Mayan temple in the Amazon (which is nevertheless still full of gold etc.) makes no sense.
Plot hole: Greg suddenly wears Jack's "breast" during the "monkey business" scene with a crying LJ. But the only time we see it is in the RV which Jack would most likely have kept locked up. How did Greg get ahold of it?