Easter egg: On the U.S. version, there are terrific little nuggets in the newspaper "Far Far Away Times". It's located by following this path: Special Features > More > Far Far Away Times. When you get to the page with the newspaper, you can scroll through more than a dozen pages of really witty and amusing "articles", although you can only read the headlines. Starting on the third page - and on many, many pages thereafter - use the "up" arrow to highlight other parts of the pages. It's a real treasure trove. You'll find Fiona's diary (in its entirety), medieval graffiti, tapestries of the King and Queen in their younger days, medieval street signs, posters for musical acts (like the band "Stonehenge" and "Chastity Belt's World Tour"), Before and After pictures (including the transvestite bartender!), Fairy Godmother's various Potions and the Poison Apple's Drink Menu.
Easter egg: When you go into the special features, there is a game featuring Char and the fan club. If you want to skip to the "reward", press the left arrow and it will highlight the bottom of Chars picture with a little flower. Press enter and it will come up with the "reward".
Easter egg: Go to Scene Selection. Highlight scene 15. Hit the back button once. A wine bottle will appear. Hit enter and you will see a montage of behind the scenes photos.
Easter egg: On the normal version of the DVD, in the subtitles section, there is something called "The Zomb-O-Meter Track." Select this, and have a whole heap of extra trivia appear as subtitles, such as music credits, storyline pieces and other good stuff.
Easter egg: While in the extra features menu navigate through the options until the white star is highlighted. Click on this to reveal a hidden extra with Vince Vaughn.
Easter egg: The Girl Next Door unrated version contains an Easter Egg in the Special Features section on the reverse side of the DVD. From the Special Features menu, use the down arrow to highlight the "Gag Reel." Hit the right arrow once and three X's will appear. Hit enter and a full version of the original sex education film "Parent to Child About Sex by The Film Library Department of Human Resources" will play.
Easter egg: 1. Navigate to the Special Features section on the DVD. 2. Use your arrow keys to select "Heaven Help Us." 3. Once "Heaven Help Us" is selected, press your right arrow key to select a blue Jesus link to take you to an unaired trailer for "Saved!" featuring Michael Stipe.
Easter egg: On page 1 of the Bonus features, highlight "Ready, Set, Action!" and hit right and enter.
Easter egg: From the DVD's Main Menu go to the "Features" section and there press the Left arrow key on your remote control. This will highlight a frog between Hillary Duff and Michael Murray. Now press the 'Enter' key and you will be treated to a brief clip on the producers trying to find the perfect frog prince.
Easter egg: Go to the "special features" section and at the bottom towards the right is the Purple Cobras logo. Click on it and an overweight White Goodman appears, telling you the Easter Egg is to hit enter every time his character snaps his fingers during the movie. (00:21:40 - 01:02:15)
Easter egg: On the main menu, highlight scenes and hit left. Hit enter to see the color script for the movie.
Easter egg: On the DVD, normal version, go to the special features menu. Highlight theatrical trailer and press right on your DVD remote. Paddles will appear across Matthew Lillard's chest. Press enter and you will be taken to an alternate version of the pot burning scene.
Easter egg: Highlight the first option on the Bonus Features and hit left. Press enter to get commentary bloopers.
Easter egg: Collector's Edition First disk: On the main menu, highlight the eye shape in the middle of the menu. Press OK and the credits scene with the Baudelaires shifts to the next part. There are several scenes to go through by pushing OK at each scene. Second disk: Go to Gruesome Galleries. Highlight Woeful World and press the right arrow. An eye should appear on the cutout of Olaf. Press OK to see a short feature entitled "Eyes are Everywhere". Second disk: On Gruesome Galleries, highlight the words Main Menu at the bottom. Press the right arrow and the swirl will light up. Press OK to see a short feature entitled "Portrait of the Artist as a Bad Man".
Easter egg: When accessing the directors' commentary, press right and you will find a 2nd commentary by different people.