Swords into Ploughshares - S2-E7
Question: When the girls and Rosemary's mother go to the mortuary to see who was impersonating Rosemary, Rosemary's mother says just before they see the body, "It's just a waste of time me going home, really." What does she mean?
Chosen answer: Maybe she thinks she's so old that she'll be back in the mortuary soon, so why go home?
Question: What's the name of the "theme" song, the one played at the beginning of every episode?
Answer: It is a version of "A Little Less Conversation" by Elvis Presley.
Question: Who sings the song "You Are My Sunshine" at the end of this episode?
Chosen answer: According to IMDb.com, it is Carly Simon.
Chosen answer: "Policing your brass", means to pick up your expended shell casings, after firing your rifle, or pistol.