Plot hole: When Bryan is shuffled in at "The Baywatch" as one of the dancing extras, wouldn't the director of the film notice that one of his beach dancers (Bryan) is actually dressed for cold weather rather than a day at the beach? He's wearing sweats and a hooded sweatshirt, and he stands out like a sore thumb with all those girls in bikinis around him.
Plot hole: The scene where Andie comes over for dinner and moves a bunch of frilly stuff into the bathroom, happens at least one day before she comes over with the wedding album she made. In that scene, Ben goes into the bathroom to splash water on his face and discovers the pink hand towel and other stuff - that means he would not have gone into his bathroom for at least a day, or two, since she put the stuff in there, or he would have noticed it sooner.
Plot hole: Just how can you get a famous author, a judge, and a flight attendant set-up Adam Sandler in such a scheme? A judge cannot use a courtroom (along with bailiffs during regular business hours) to pull off such a scam. Moreover, when he was arrested for the fight in the bar, there is no guarantee he would have been brought up before the same judge. Also when explaining to his boss about not getting a second flight in the beginning, Adam Sandler says that the plane had been turned around because of his behaviour. Show me an airline that's willing to do that for a scam. (00:23:15 - 01:30:40)