Question: What's the name of the song that Anna's band sings for their audition? And is there anywhere I can hear it or buy it or has someone actually released it?
Answer: It's called 'Take Me Away' by Christina Vidal. It's on the movie soundtrack.

Question: How old are Lizzie, Gordo and all their classmates meant to be in the film?
Answer: In the TV show, they are 13-14 years old. Assuming this is after the TV show, and we never see Lizzie, Gordo or Miranda celebrating their 14th birthdays (we see Kate celebrating her '14th' birthday and Gordo celebrating his Bar Mitzfah a year late), Lizzie and Miranda are 13-14, Gordo is 14 and Kate is 15 (it is mentioned in an earlier episode that she was held back a year in Kindergarten.) This is only an assumption, due to the TV show.

Question: Does anyone know what music is playing while the old lady crosses the ocean with the dog?
Answer: The music heard on the soundtrack as Mme. Souza and Bruno follow the ocean liner is from the opening movement (Kyrie) of Mozart's Mass in C minor.
Answer: It is never said but If I was to guess, they got it from the guy he was pretending to be (Ned's) information from the school office.