Easter egg: On disc 2 of the DVD, click on the comic. When the next screen appears, click on the evolution of Spider-Man and then rogues' gallery. Click on any of the villains' pictures. When the pictures appear you can get a larger rotating picture of Electro, Venom and Scorpion by highlighting the Spider-Man head at the bottom of the screen of this villain and pressing down. This then brings up an outline of Spider-Man and you then just simply click on it.

Easter egg: On the three-disc special edition, there are 3 hidden features. On Disc 2, enter the 'Production' menu, then highlight main menu and press right to highlight a hidden symbol. On the same disc, in 'Pre-Production', go into 'Prep', highlight 'Safe Cracking School' and press right. On Disc 3, go to the fourth page of 'Visual Effects', highlight 'CGI Propane Tank' and press right.

Easter egg: From the Special Features menu, highlight the word FEATURES and then press LEFT. One of the markers in the picture to the left will turn blue. Press ENTER to see video of an avalanche that occurred during filming.