Question: In the scene where Nani is pulling nails out of the door frame because Lilo wants to be alone and Mr. Bubbles arrives, when Nani goes around the back (smashing a window and turning off Lilo's music) is Nani opening the presumably nailed shut door to let Mr. Bubbles in that he later yanks open and all the nails fall?
Answer: No she opens the back door for Mr. Bubbles - you see him later open the front door that is still nailed shut.

Question: Why does the Colonel let Spirit escape at the end of the movie? I know it's meant to be a sign of respect. But why would they respect each other? In my opinion they have no reasons to have mutual respect.
Answer: Because the colonel saw that Spirit and Little Creek had a strong bond, and how hard Spirit had worked for his freedom.
Logically, it never should've started. All of this trouble for a single horse while there's important military duties and concerns should've never really happened. You could argue that it was to chase Little Creek, but the Colonel never regards him. It was all for Spirit.
Answer: Because he probably gave up.

Question: This may sound like a silly question, but who are the pirates who don't do anything?
Answer: Exactly what they call themselves. Pirates who don't do anything, they just stay home and lay around. It's from a veggie tales silly song from an older release.
Would they be genuine pirates if they didn't do anything? A pirate is basically a person who attacks, and robs ships at sea.
Chosen answer: He was being angrily sarcastic, because he realises Diego betrayed him.