Question: Why does Vicky hate Timmy so much?

Question: The show's theme song is played at the start of each episode. For the life of me, I cannot understand the first line. "...back to the past, Samurai Jack." What is that first line of that theme?
Chosen answer: Gotta get back, back to the past...

Question: Who is Raven and where did they come from?
Answer: They came from Azarath aka Earth.

Initiation - S3-E1
Question: In this show, Green Lantern is a black guy with a different name. What happened to Hal Jordan and why is he not Green Lantern any more?
Chosen answer: In this series, Hal Jordan never became Green Lantern. Kyle Rayner did instead. John Stewart is Rayner's partner and serves as Green Lantern in the Justice League.
Answer: I don't think Vicky necessarily hates Timmy. She is just a malicious and sadistic person.