Audio problem: After the aeroplane crashed, a dinosaur stepped over it and the windows shattered making the typical sound of made-of-glass things when broken. They are made of plexiglass (a sort of fibrous plastic).

Audio problem: When they arrive at "The Magic Carpet" you can hear Izzy drag three heavy bolts across the door, when the door opens, there are no bolts - just as well, otherwise shooting the lock wouldn't have worked. (00:56:30)

Audio problem: Near the beginning of the film Katie Eddowes tells Mary Kelley 'There's one over there'. As she walks past Martha Tabram and Annie Chapman, we hear some dialogue between them about not having very much luck that night. If you look at all three women, their mouths are not matching the dialogue. They appear to be saying something completely different.

Audio problem: When the guy in Jack's truck says "You better pay for that camera", his mouth doesn't match his words.

Audio problem: When trying to hit the creeper with the car, the distance between them and the creeper changes drastically, instantly. (00:55:45)

Audio problem: Jennifer and the Captain exit the plane and stay there for several minutes while sirens from airport services howl, obviously to help them after such a chaotic flight. However, wider shots show that there's not a single car or person nearby.