Factual error: When Brendan Fraser & his son are running to reach the pyramid before the sun hits it, the sunrise line approaches the pyramid along the ground, but the sun would naturally have hit the pyramid at the top first and worked its way down to the ground. [Some people insist on trying to correct this - think of it this way. If the sun's illuminating the ground from way up in the sky, what's keeping something higher up than the ground in darkness?] (01:34:40)
Suggested correction: Despite the additional comments this posting is wrong. The terminator line - the distinct boundary between sunlit day and dark night - moves horizontally across the surface of the earth, from east to west. It is perfectly feasible for the land behind Rick (i.e. to the east) to be in bright sunlight while the pyramid - to the west - is still in darkness. What is not feasible is anyone outrunning the terminator line, which moves at around 1500 kmh in the latitudes they are in.
Try it for yourself - get a round object, such as a basketball, a map tack and a flashlight. As you shine the flashlight on the ball you will see the equivalent of the day/night terminator line. Now stick the map tack into the ball and slowly rotate the ball with the light still shining on it. As it moves, the terminator moves and the map tack will become illuminated before the surface of the ball at the base of the tack. The light will move down from the top of the tack. The only way it would work as shown in the movie is if everything is exactly flat - with no differences in altitude above the ground. Obviously that is not the case. (Of course, if you don't want to poke holes in your basketball, you can use any combination of something round and something to stick to it.)
The original post is correct. Because of its sheer height, the top of the pyramid would receive direct sunlight first, just as a mountaintop receives sunlight before it appears on level ground.
It is perfectly possible for a mountain to be in complete darkness and the low lying land nearby to be brightly sunlit if the mountain is to the west and has not yet been reached by the terminator line. I repeat, the terminator line moves horizontally (in all practical terms) across the surface of the earth and as a result anything west of the line will be in darkness regardless of its height and will stay that way until the line reaches it.
Look, you're talking about mountains miles away beyond the terminator (so far away that they would be beyond the range of sight anyway). We are talking about a pyramid, easily the tallest thing in the immediate vicinity, in the near background, only a mile away at most. Under the physical conditions and locations present in this film, the pyramid should be illuminated top-down. Period.

Factual error: Jonathan is lying in the middle of the skating rink when the second cashmere glove falls upon him. Looking around, he notices Sarah at the edge of the rink. Despite Sarah being a female and the fact that it is snowing, even Nolan Ryan would have a difficult time throwing something as light as cashmere that distance. (01:22:05)

Factual error: In the begining at the bridge ceremony, the band plays Manhattan Beach by John Philip Sousa. However, Manhattan Beach was composed in 1893. (00:00:50)

Factual error: There is a scene with several flags hanging on the wall of the castle. These are supposed to be flags in the Middle Ages. However, one of them is the present day banner of the Hungarian Republic (where part of the movie was shot).

Factual error: When Harry talks to the snake, the camera shows a close up of the snake, and it blinks. Snakes don't blink because they lack eyelids. (00:06:50)

Factual error: As Shrek is sitting near the sunflowers field and staring at the Duloc (and day becomes night), we don't see the cathedral anywhere. It should be visible as such a big building, due to how big it is seen later, it should be very distinct over the houses' roofs.

Factual error: In the scene where Waternoose and Sully are talking, Waternoose gets himself some "coffee", which is sludgy and thick and takes quite a while to pour from the machine. Seconds later, he takes a very quick sip. Since the liquid was so thick and there was little in the cup, it would be impossible for it to pour that fast.

Factual error: In the fight scene in Lara's garage, she rides her motorbike towards the guy attacking her, does a front wheelie and knocks him out with the rear wheel by braking and turning the bike on its front wheel. The back end of the bike then gently lowers itself to the ground, rather than dropping heavily under the force of gravity.

Factual error: At the start of the film Chihiro's father slams on the brake to avoid the statue in the road and quickly stops. There are three pedals, meaning that this is a manual transmission car (a pedal e-brake would be positioned differently), but he only puts his foot down on the brake and doesn't touch the clutch. Whilst he would stop, there was not enough time for the car to stop as quickly and as smoothly as it did. The car would also stall out but it doesn't.

Factual error: At the end of the movie, the son arrives from Dartmouth. But he does so in Grand Central Station. To come from New Hampshire he would have to arrive at Penn Station. (01:53:40)

Factual error: Milo says Audrey is a "teenager". Which she is, but this is 1914! People didn't use that word back then. He probably should have said "adolescent" or something.

Factual error: When Hal meets Rosie's mom, she is a large woman but her hands are skinny. If someone is the size as her character, they would have large hands as well.
Suggested correction: Actually when Hal first meets Rosemary's Mom, she is shown skinny as does Rosemary through the way that Hal sees them. It's not until later in the movie after Hal's hypnosis is gone do we (and Hal) see the "real" fat mom and rosemary and their hands do look a bit larger by then.
It is obvious that Rosemary and her mother are wearing 'fat' suits as neither women are large in real life. The suggested correction in invalid as throughout the movie, the only time Rosemary's hands appear large are in spots. (eating the taffy apple when she met Jill, and rubbing Hal's cheek when he had the goop on his eyes. Yet you never see the full body with a face in those shots.) Therefore, as I stated in the factual error, when Hal meets Rosie's mom at the end (at the party), she is wearing a fat suit, but her hands and Rosie's are skinny. It's a valid movie error.

Factual error: The movie takes place in Chicago, where the police wear distinctive checkerboard bands on their caps. However, none of the officers shown in the flick wear these bands.

Factual error: When the protagonists arrive to Patmos, latitude and longitude are switched the other way around at 26°489 and 37°411. Moreover, that's not Patmos, but Anydro Patmou, an uninhabited islet unlike what is shown here.