Deliberate mistake: The 'NNN' news program shows a picture of some animal crackers in Frank's stomach. The problem is, they are still all in one piece and are pretty big. I don't think Frank would swallow them whole.

Deliberate mistake: When Boyd has saved the Vice President's life after chucking him into the water, Boyd looks down at the VP who is being dragged out. Suddenly, there is a picture taken that appears in papers, but there was no press or person on the bridge where Boyd is with a camera, so where did the photograph come from? (00:06:55)

Deliberate mistake: There is no way Ichi's blade could have cut the one man vertically in half, as shown in the movie. The blade is only a couple of inches long, not nearly enough to slice through the man. When we see the blade shooting through the back of him, it is obviously a different, longer blade.

Deliberate mistake: The tanks used in the film are German "Leopards", never used by the US army.

Deliberate mistake: During the final scene, where Dom and Brian are dragging, you clearly hear that the Dom's car is straight piped. When the Charger (Dom's car) is spinning, you see that the car has a complete exhaust system.

Deliberate mistake: In Silence of the Lambs Starling was right-handed. In Hannibal she is left handed because we see her writing with her left. Julianne Moore, the new actress who plays Starling is left handed whereas Jodie Foster was obviously right-handed.

Deliberate mistake: Frequently during the movie, British surgeons are referred to as "Doctor". In Britain, surgeons are always referred to as "Mister"; this is a hold-over from the surgeon's non-medical past (barbers, etc). This would likely be confusing to American audiences.