Trivia: In the film, the two transfer students are Kiriyama, the silent killer, and Kawada, the winner of a previous Battle Royale. In the original novel, only Kawada was the transfer student; Kiriyama was in the same class selected for this game of death. He was the main antagonist.

Trivia: A scene in which Sebastian brutally and graphically rapes his neighbor was filmed, but was mostly deleted as test-audiences felt it made Sebastian far too evil. And thus, the version of the scene in the theatrical cut only alludes to the idea without directly showing it. The original scene was reinstated in the director's cut released on DVD and Blu-Ray however.

Trivia: The candy factory name, Jolly Jack, is a tribute to "Jolly" Jack Kirby, a legendary comic book artist and writer.

Trivia: The character of Manny, one of Kell's posse, is played by Vernon Rieta, who has been Adrian Paul's Hung Gar Kung Fu teacher for years.

Trivia: John Travolta made the film with Franchise Pictures. A few years after the film, it was revealed in a court case that Franchise had fraudulently overstated the budget of Battlefield Earth by $21 million to scam investors. After losing the case, Franchise filed for bankruptcy, and Travolta fired his manager, who set up the deal with Franchise in the first place.

Trivia: Michael Cera's theatrical film debut.