Deliberate mistake: In Paris' death scene, he blows alcohol onto his torch that illuminates the creatures around him. However the area is still illuminated after the light from his torch has disappeared. (01:12:05)

Deliberate mistake: Elizabeth Shue uses a drawer handle as an electromagnet. OK if it's really a magnetic material but lab furniture is generally made of aluminium or stainless steel which is not. There is no way that they would use an iron handle in a potentially wet, and hence corrosive, environment such as a freezer.

Deliberate mistake: You might be wondering where Terry suddenly comes up with Jolly Jack all of the sudden after escaping the lab. In the commentary, they say that the Joker, in his transmission to Terry in the lab, was supposed to be eating out of a candy jar with "Jolly Jack" on it, but couldn't have it due to time constraints.

Deliberate mistake: In the Director's Cut (the version most readily available on DVD), there is literally an entire 15-second chunk of the final fight that is repeated twice within 60 seconds. (It's the bit where Duncan and Kell are fighting on the ground, Duncan kicks Kell, then Kell kicks and slices Duncan) It's impossible not to notice, and it's not they're flashing back to what just happened... they just repeat the same 15 seconds of footage, add different sound effects, and assume people won't notice.