Factual error: This is a wardrobe error... in the next morning scene after William has been deflowered, he is still in his Fruit of the Looms, which have the name printed on the elastic waistband. Fruit of the Loom did not print their name on waistbands like this until the 90s, in the 70s they just had single blue and yellow stripes. (01:08:27)

Factual error: When John Cusack puts Springsteen on his LP-player, he places the needle at the start of the record. The song that plays is the studio version of "The River." Therefore, the album has to be "The River," which is a double album, but "The River" is not at the start of either of the two LPs, but is the last song on LP #1. (00:18:10)

Factual error: When the "Little Wharvey Gals" are singing they show a shot of the crowd in which there is a man smoking a filtered cigarette. Cigarettes were not filtered until the late '40's.

Factual error: When the audience are watching the pilot, Davy says "It's Russell!" But in the actual pilot, it's Micky who says it.

Factual error: In the scene where Violet gets her tapes back outside her apartment, she looks at an envelope with HER name as the sending address and the company as the return address. This is possible, however, the envelope would not be stamped "unsolicited mail" if it was re-packaged by the company. An unsolicited stamp would be there, like all the other envelopes, if it was being returned to her in the original envelope, with her name as the RETURN address, instead of the sending address. (01:19:25)