Best drama movie mistake pictures of 2000

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Visible crew/equipment: In the "Battle of Carthage" in the Colosseum, one of the chariots is turned over. Once the dust settles you can see a gas cylinder in the back of the chariot. (01:22:55)

More Gladiator mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Maya enters Peter's office for the first time, you can see that he had just written something on his laptop. While they talk, you can see the word-program on the computer screen: it shows one page. Cut to Maya, then back to Peter: it shows two pages. Another cut: one page. This happens two or three times throughout the scene. (00:29:30)

More Lost Souls mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Tom Hanks cuts his hand and loses his temper, he picks up the volleyball with a bloody hand and throws it. When he picks it up, you can see that his fingers are spread. When you see the handprint that he makes "Wilson" with, you can see that the fingerprints are together and parallel.

More Cast Away mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When they first get to the island and they are playing cricket, Keety is telling them all the rules of the game and asks "who doesn't understand?" Richard and Etiene raise their hands - when the angle changes, Richard's other hand is raised.

More The Beach mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Julia is trying to figure a way out the cell, she starting feeling around the edges of the glass panels etc., and she then comes to the end and stands by the green bench which is at the side of the cell. Julia's black heels sit on the bench, but then when Julia notices the pipe and climbs up to attempt to pull it, in the overhead shot her black heels have vanished from the bench. (01:08:40)


More The Cell mistake pictures
More Traffic mistake pictures

Factual error: In the beginning, Leonard looks at a copy of John G/Teddy's driver's license. The expiration date is listed as 2-29-01, but of course, 2001 was not a leap year, so there would've only been 28 days in the month. (00:12:45)

More Memento mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: In the scene in the karaoke shop, watch the light through the window. Sometimes it's daylight outside, sometimes it's dark.

More Keeping the Faith mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: At the beginning "Pete" asks Violet for her autograph on a time card. She signs it and the "T" is not crossed, and when Pete puts it on the board it is crossed. Then at the end when Violet's dad buys it from Pete it is again not crossed. Also if you look at the "V" when she signs it and after Pete puts it up they are different. And lastly, when Violet signs her last name it is spaced but when Pete puts it up it is jumbled together. Her signature is different all around. (00:01:30 - 01:27:30)

More Coyote Ugly mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When Gene Hackman is helping his wife zip up her dress her hair goes from hanging straight down her back, to being over her shoulder. It cuts without giving enough time to assume that she moved her hair.

More Under Suspicion mistake pictures
More Thomas and the Magic Railroad mistake pictures

Other mistake: Several close-ups of the business cards of Patrick Bateman and his associates reveal a misspelling of the word "Acquisitions" (the "c" is missing - not a small error, given that this is the name of their department).

More American Psycho mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Early in the movie after Haley Joel Osment befriends a bum they are sitting at the kitchen table and the bum pours Haley a bowl of Captain Crunch and fills it over the rim of the bowl. In the next wide shot the bowl of cereal is below the bowl's rim level as they pour milk into it.

More Pay it Forward mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: When we see the police officer checking the hit counter on an adult web site, the hit counter goes down from 1,739,986 to 1,739,944 a few seconds later.

Jon Sandys

More The Crow: Salvation mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: At the club when Katie Holmes is sitting with her fiancé, she is wearing a black strappy dress with a strap hanging off her shoulders. She stands up to go and dance with her father and in the next frame the strap is in place on her shoulder.

More The Gift mistake pictures

Continuity mistake: Just after unveiling the Nazi plates on the SS-33, there are 3 seamen wearing brown jackets next to the deck gun. When the shot changes there are 4. (00:25:00)


More U-571 mistake pictures

Visible crew/equipment: When Bob and Charlie enter the boardroom for the meeting with the suits in the zoo's administration building, the actor's green T-mark is visible on the floor under the table, where Bob stands. (00:33:05)

Super Grover

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