Plot hole: Peter goes into Carl's mind to save Catherine. When he's in there he sees the tank with the water nymph. On the tank are strange symbols which provide the FBI with the clue needed to find the latest victim. Makes sense so far. But, go back to the scene just after the FBI have captured the comatose killer and are looking in his basement. The FBI are looking at the contraption that the killer uses to suspend himself over the victim. On the contraption is the same symbol seen later on the water nymph's tank. Why didn't the FBI follow up the symbol then?
Plot hole: Referring to that blackout night. How come the group can actually film how they put all their cameras and stuff into its hide?
Plot hole: Towards the end of the movie when Michael Douglas makes his speech at the White House, he is able to quietly walk out of the gates with no reporters anywhere trying to chase him down. Totally unrealistic (especially considering what had just happened). (00:03:03 - 02:13:40)
Plot hole: In the cafe scene after the fingerprints have been identified as belonging to someone who was thought to have been killed, Jean Reno tells Vincent Cassel that the person who shot at him had all ten fingers. How did he know that? The audience only sees one hand which is holding the pistol and the other hand is out of sight.
Plot hole: In the several scenes at the hotel when Carlo and Bonehead confront Jack there are a total of 9 shots fired in the hallway and another 30 ultimately fired in the room as well as a chair thrown through a window. Although we were able to hear a baby crying in another room when Jack initially climbed the stairs no one seems to hear the monumental confrontation for a very long time or look outside their rooms to see Bonehead lying dead in the hallway. Carlo has an enormous amount of time to patiently question Jack and make phone calls. When sirens do arise after a long while, the very first responders are the Feds screeching up in their big red Caprice followed by some police. Somehow the US Treasury Department is able to get to the scene faster than the police.
Plot hole: When Rudy removes the leg of the bed to escape from the motel room, he finds Charlize Theron and Gary Sinise in the pool. He walks away saying something to the effect of "I am out of here." As he trys to escape, he keeps running into the other members of the gang and has to rush back and pretend he is still handcuffed to the bed when they check on him. If he is already free of the bed, why doesn't he leave after the gang goes to sleep for the night?
Plot hole: Just before playing the water glasses, Gracie plays a couple notes, one of which is very high. She drinks some water out of the glass to lower the pitch. The problem is that the pitch goes up when you remove water from the glass, not down. Drinking out of the glass would've made the note sound higher. Some people and websites will make you believe that the pitch is going down due to an increase in the size of the resonant chamber but singing glasses have nothing to do with cavity resonance. Glass singing is caused by the molecules in the glass vibrating in resonance with each other. More water dampens the motion, slowing it down and lowering the pitch. Some of the confusion comes from schools not teaching children that liquids and gasses are both fluids. In the case of water in glasses, the water is not changing the cavity as much as one thinks, just damping it. And finally, if you don't believe me, don't Google it, try it.