Character mistake: When Maximus is talking to Marcus Aerelius, he mentions that his wife has black hair. But in the scenes where we see her, she actually has brown hair. (00:24:40)

Character mistake: Those are the most haphazardly secured cases of nitro I've ever seen in a movie. Couldn't they spare a shoelace or duct tape to secure the top?

Character mistake: When Carolyn first addresses Imam, she quite obviously pronounces his name "ell-mom," as though the capital I in his title were a lower-case L. It should be pronounced "ee-mam". We distinctly hear Ali call out his name in this fashion after the ship crash lands on the planet.

Character mistake: When Jenny McCarthy goes to the office to meet the director. She's calling out his name to see if he's there & calls " Roman.......Ronin.......Roman". (00:23:15)

Character mistake: When Boris and Natasha (Jason Alexander and Renee Russo) are at the airport (just missing Rocky, Bullwinkle and the FBI agent) Natasha says something about "Moose and Squirrel don't even know our names", yet earlier in the courthouse scene, Bullwinkle says something about Boris and Natasha being real people and Rocky and Bullwinkle still being cartoons.