Easter egg: Open the Title Selection Screen (on GE DVD Players, press Info) Select Title 8 (on GE DVD Players, press left, then up/down until it displays T 8, then press OK/Select.).
Easter egg: Access the Cast & Crew page from the Special Features menu, when the cursor is selected on the Features button, bottom right, press left to select a strange missile looking button. This opens a page that gives a password for accessing parts of the Three Kings website.
Easter egg: On the Dogma DVD (not the special edition) at the main screen press right so the the heart on the buddy Christ lights up. Select this to see a trailer for "Good Will Hunting," an early Ben Affleck and Matt Damon movie.
Easter egg: On the special edition disk two on the main menu there is a star in the lower right hand corner it is a clip of Jessie's song but the car speeds off and comes back to hit the box Jessie is in.
Easter egg: To activate the Omega 13 on the Main Menu, watch the movie then wait for the credits to roll out. When you get back to the menu, click the Omega 13 button and it will activate. NOTE: This will not work if you press the menu button after the movie ends. You have to let the credits roll.
Easter egg: Season 2: Disc 1: In Languages, click on Mr. Mackey's tie. Disc 3: In Languages, click on the bulls horn. In the episode Menu, click on the visitor head atop 'Prehistoric Ice Man'. Season 3: In Set Up, click on Sexual Harassment Pandas ears. Disc 2: In Set Up, click on Moses' eyes. Disc 3: In Set Up, click on Mr. Hankey's Santa hat.