Best animated movie questions of 1999

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Toy Story 2 picture

Question: When Woody is trying to explain to Jesse, Stinky Pete and Bullseye why he was at the yard sale before Al finds him, Stinky Pete interrupts him. Why?

Answer: As we learn later, Stinky Pete has his own agenda. He's seizing on the fact that Woody was being sold as a way to convince Woody to go to the museum.

More Toy Story 2 questions
South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut picture

Question: Why isn't Ike gonna help the other kids in the entire film if he is at the attic?


Answer: Kyle placed Ike in the attic to protect him because Ike is Canadian, and if he was found, he would be placed in a concentration camp.

More South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut questions

Answer: Turn back to/from what? Can you please expand on the question so we know what you're referring to?

More The Iron Giant questions

Answer: From the picture of his parents. He knows where everything goes, and it's not too hard to work out how to put them on.

Answer: Also, he's been thoroughly educated on human customs and society by Jane, her father, and Clayton by that point. Possibly they taught him about dressing himself during their lessons, and he continued to go about wearing the loincloth out of personal preference.

More Tarzan questions
Pokemon: The Movie 2000 picture

Question: Does Missingno, the infamous "Pokemon 000" glitch from Pokemon Red/Green (Red/Blue in the states) appear in this movie?

Answer: Missingno is a glitch from the video games, and is not a real pokemon, so no.


More Pokemon: The Movie 2000 questions

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