Question: Do the symbols / markings on Ardeth Bay's face mean anything?

Question: How did Neo know about the existence of the Matrix if he was stuck in the Matrix for most of his life?
Answer: He doesn't know that he's plugged into a giant computer and that most of humanity is a power source for robots. He's merely aware that there is something wrong with life in general, something odd that he can't quite explain.

Question: I'm confused. Palpatine wanted to use Queen Amidala to get himself voted as chancellor so he could have control over the republic. Why did he send Darth Maul after the Queen's ship when it escaped if he needed the Queen alive?

Question: When Woody is trying to explain to Jesse, Stinky Pete and Bullseye why he was at the yard sale before Al finds him, Stinky Pete interrupts him. Why?
Answer: As we learn later, Stinky Pete has his own agenda. He's seizing on the fact that Woody was being sold as a way to convince Woody to go to the museum.

Question: Why is Mike standing in the corner? Is he kept alive to be standing?
Chosen answer: During the beginning interviews with the townspeople, the one guy tells how the killer, Parr, would make his victims stand in the corner as he killed the other kids. He didn't like the way they would look at him, so he made them stand in the corner.

Question: I've never adopted kids before so that's why I'm asking this question; When Stuart is being adopted, I noticed that on his papers, the parents were listed as Mr. And Mrs. Little. My question is, why aren't their first names on there? George's first name was, so why weren't theirs on there as well? Is that a mistake or is it common?
Answer: I wouldn't call it a "mistake" as the movie did that on purpose for both a gag and an emphasis on Stuart becoming a Little. This is definitely not practice for actually adopting children. You must put your first name on the paperwork.

Question: After Sabor the leopard jumps on the net to kill baby Tarzan, it instead launches him up to Kala, who catches him by the diaper. Why does Kala move Tarzan up and down several times?
Answer: Kala, who was on the floor above the netting, was attempting to pull baby Tarzan up through the space around the pole, but it was too small for an infant to fit through. Kala instead pulled Tarzan by his diaper along the slit between the boards to the end of the floor where she could then reach over and pick him up.

Question: What are those blades (the ones used at the end on the caviar factory) used for in real life?
Chosen answer: We see them in the movie when Bond first arrives to meet Electra - they're used for cutting trees in a straight line. Google "helicopter tree trimmer" to see dozens of examples.

Question: Once Austin has introduced himself to the two models, and they start photographing, what is the music that is in the background?
Answer: The music is the theme song to the TV show "Charlie's Angels".

Question: At the end of the film, Malthazar says "The ship was a model as big as this - a very clever deception indeed." Does he mean that the Thermians now accept they were decieved by the "historical documents", or does he still believe the "documents" were real and the Captian was deceiving Sarris by pretending to admit they were false?
Chosen answer: He thinks that the Captain was just tricking Sarris and the "documents" were real.

Question: When Inspector Gadget is lying on the table with the Claw watching over him, Gadget says that Claw will never get away with this. Then Claw says, "I think someone's been watching too many Saturday morning cartoons", and then everyone looks up at the camera confused/surprised. Can any one explain what the joke is here?
Answer: The joke is that he is referring to the "Inspector Gadget" cartoon, in which the Claw never got away with any of his schemes.
Chosen answer: The tattoos on his forehead are the Egyptian Hieroglyphs that spell "Underworld", and the ones on his cheeks are the Egyptian Hieroglyphs for the word "truth." All Medjai males get these tattoos as part of the coming-of-age rite, when they turn sixteen, of which the most important is the tattoo on their right wrist (which Rick O'Connell also has) that marks them as "warriors for God." Other tattoos specific to Medjai males are on their arms, forearms, hands, pectorals, shoulder blades and beneath the navel - the tattoos on the nose and chin are no longer used, since the time of Seti I. Medjai females only get the wrist tattoo when they come of age, but are not marked with any of the other symbols that are particular to men. Fun fact: If the Medjai - male and female alike - shows any sign of pain or cries during the tattooing process, it is considered that they have brought shame to their family.