Character mistake: Mulder and Scully sneak into the morgue at Bethesda Naval Hospital to view the body of the dead fireman from the bomb blast. Mulder lifts the sheet back on the body to show that the man's tissue is "like jelly." Scully surmises there's been some kind of cellular breakdown, and then says the tissue is "completely edematous." However, Dr. Scully mispronounces "edematous" as ed-a-may-shuss. The correct pronunciation is i-dem-a-tuss. Being a doctor she'd know the difference. (00:37:45)

Character mistake: When Marion is calculating how much she spent her math is wrong. The movie shows 400000 - 4036 = 395963. It should be 395964.

Character mistake: In the beginning where they are showing all the newspaper articles, the article uses Michael "Meyers" twice in one article and then back to "Myers."