Character mistake: In the Liverpool match the commentator says that Liverpool could win their 19th title, in the 1988-89 season Liverpool had 17 titles, and won their 18th title the year after in the 1989-90 season.

Character mistake: When Troy is getting the bomb ready, the screen shows it will blow in 216 hours, which is 9 days. Yet the agent tells Archer it will blow in 6 days.

Character mistake: Near the end of the movie when Ray shoots Odell, Ray checks Odell's pulse using his thumb. Since the thumb has an artery in it, you should never check someone's pulse using your thumb. As a cop, he should know this because I'm sure he's taken basic first aid.

Character mistake: The downed firetruck was referred to as engine 17, however it is actually engine 23.

Character mistake: At the beginning of the movie, Bill Paxton is pulling out documents out of the safe, maybe destroying some of them. Extremely unprofessional from an archaeological perspective. Although he represents a private company on a Russian ship searching for a diamond, he for sure violates many international laws with this brutal act of recovering objects. A professional treasure hunter should know that, plus a camera is filming him. He risks never getting a licence for a treasure hunt again.

Character mistake: When they first receive the alien signal, they decode it and play it as a TV signal which shows Hitler speaking at the opening of the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin. Kent translates what Hitler is saying as "I declare the Games in Berlin, at the celebration of the first Olympics of the New Era, as opened." Hitler actually says "the *eleventh* Olympics of the New Era." The "New Era" doesn't refer to some Nazi concept, it's used to separate the modern Olympics from the ancient ones in Greece.

Character mistake: When they are preparing to film the "Albanian Girl" fleeing the war the girl with the clip board refers to the actress playing the "Albanian Girl" (Kirsten Dunst) by her real name, Kirsten rather than her character name Tracy.

Character mistake: Wouldn't the president be concerned that the alarm system, which Luther deactivated, was deactivated?
Suggested correction: How would he have known that it was deactivated? It wasn't even his mansion. He was drunk after all and focused on the girl.

Character mistake: At the end of the movie, the rescue plane changes its callsign to Air Force One because the protocol is "Air Force One" is the callsign for any U.S. military plane (or, more specifically, an Air Force Plane) with the President on board, not just the blue and white 747. Thus, it would not be used for a plane on which the president is not on board. This is an important detail considering that for most of the middle section of the film, the terrorists believe the president has escaped and that they are dealing with a random secret service agent resisting them. The vice president and other administration officials dealing with the terrorists don't want them to know the president is still on board, as it could motivate the terrorists to threaten his family further. So, when the fuel tanker shows up to refuel the plane and addresses it as "Air Force One" to give instructions on the procedure, they are inadvertently confirming that the president is on board. To maintain the ruse, they should use the callsign "SAM-28000" or "Air Force 28000" when talking to the terrorists, referring to the plane's tail number. Similarly, any time an official makes a statement about the incident in public, they could refer to the plane as "28000" to keep up the ruse to the press (though it's not uncommon to refer to the 747s as "Air Force One" for the sake of simplicity in casual or non-official capacities, an instance of one plane communicating with another would not be).

Character mistake: When Barr denies giving Jeff's wife a ride, Jeff says this was in the last half hour or so - but considering the time it would take the truck to go to Belle's (5 miles away), the wife to call a tow truck, back from Belle's, then Jeff waiting extra time, then fixing the jeep, heading to Belle's, the time he spent inside, then driving along the road until he saw the truck would in no way be only a half hour...more like an hour or two at best.
Suggested correction: Jeff is obviously in distress because he can't find his wife. Is it not possible that because of the stress he's under, the amount of time that has passed is different for him? Besides, we know the wife never made it to Belle's. Later, we see she's been transferred to another vehicle.

Character mistake: When Harry is registering, he has glasses hanging around his neck and is wearing another pair, presumably readers, while he checks in. After exchanging pleasantries with the proprietor, he takes off the glasses, puts them on the counter, and leaves without them. (00:08:05)

Character mistake: Casanova refers to Cross's gun as a "Glock," but it is a Sig.