Best crime movie questions of 1996

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Scream picture

Question: A small thing that I was curious about: when Billy and Sidney are in the police station, they are in two rooms/areas that are only separated by a glass wall. In real life, would a suspect be kept so close to the person they are accused of attacking?

Answer: No, this is completely incorrect from the film makers. US police stations by law have to have an interrogation cell deliberately so as to avoid the accused person intimidating witnesses or the victim, as billy does to Sydney. Even if the interrogation cell were being used when Billy is brought into the station, he would then be put in a holding cell to wait his turn - they categorically would not just allow him to sit in the public, non guarded part of the station near the accuser.


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Trainspotting picture

Question: I've seen this movie over 100 times and I know every single word, but when I watched it a few days ago on Netflix I noticed straight away that the talking sounded completely different and some words where changed, in the cold turkey scene Renton was supposed to say "i don't feel the sickness yet but it's in the POST, that's for sure", but on the Netflix version he says "I don't feel the sickness yet but its in the MAIL, that's for sure", why was this changed and did all the actors have to re-do the whole film in audio?

dan coakley..

Chosen answer: I can only assume it would have been done for the benefit of international audiences. To Brits, 'post' is commonly used as a noun describing any item received that was posted in the mail system, rather than just as a verb to describe the act of sending something in the mail. Typical small changes of word meanings that makes perfect sense to someone in Britain may easily confuse a viewer from another country.


Is this for real they don't think people are smart enough to know the post is the mail? Like we have post offices it's not like it's so far out there we couldn't figure it out my god.

Bear in mind "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" was retitled entirely to "Sorcerer's Stone" in the USA. Movie studios are desperate to avoid audiences being confused, whether that's warranted or not.

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A Time to Kill picture

Question: When Carl Lee Hailey visited Jake to tell him that he was thinking about killing those 2 men, wouldn't he have been required to report that to law enforcement? It's not considered attorney/client privilege when you tell your lawyer that you are planning to kill someone. And then he went home and told his wife about it, so wouldn't that also make her an accessory?

Answer: I'm not from America but couldn't you just say the conversation didn't take place? Maybe they didn't want to say anything due to being parents themselves and thinking they would do the same?

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The Long Kiss Goodnight picture

Question: What car is Gina driving at the end of the movie?

Answer: A 1966 Ford Galaxie-500 XL. There's a website that lists the vehicles used in the movie.

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Primal Fear picture

Question: At the end of the movie, it's discovered that "Aaron" was actually faking a split personality. What would have been the legal ramifications if Martin were to tell his superiors the truth?

Answer: Nothing if he is telling superiors within the law practice he is associated with. Outside it, he would be legally bound by attorney/client privilege. He could be disbarred if he ever shared that information.


I'm sorry. I forgot to add to the question of what would have happened if he had chosen to ignore attorney/client privilege. If he discarded attorney/client privilege, would there have been any legal actions against him and Roy?

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Fargo picture

Question: What is Jerry's wife watching on TV when she is about to be kidnapped?

Answer: A local TV show in the Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota area called "Good Company" which starred Steve and Sharon Adelman. It has been off the air for many years now.

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Set it Off picture

Question: How did Luther know where they stashed the money, and how did he blow through over $750,000 practically overnight?

Answer: I would also think Luther had found his "Retirement Fund" and was not going to give it up that easy, and had it hidden in a way that it was not going to be easily found, like he did, thanks to the not so crafty criminals who hid almost a million dollars in an air vent.

I agree with that answer. Bear in mind that if Luther could find the money easily, something he must have done as part of his job as the chief janitor of the building, he sure as hell wasn't going to make it easy for the next person to get it from him. And the amount, according to "Francheska" (Frankie), was "Over $75K and counting..." not $750K. There's a big difference.


I thought it was "296,000 and counting."

Answer: Luther worked as the cleaner in the building where the girls hid the money in the air duct. He apparently just happened to come across it while cleaning. As to blowing through it, he may have been lying to them that it was all gone, but he had already bought some pretty expensive items. Something like a fancy sports car alone can cost $100,000 or more.


Raywest, I don't think he even admitted to having the money at all, except denying that he even knew anything about it before "Teshaun" (Tete) shot him from behind. That act alone rendered recovery of whatever was left almost impossible. Luther went to the grave with that secret.


I thought they worked for him, so why would he be cleaning? Also, who cleans air vents in an office building?

Answer: The girls were certainly not the craftiest of criminals, certainly amateurs. You NEVER hide that kind of cash in an air vent - EVER. Unfortunately, in life, you take the exam and the lesson is learned after.


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Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood picture

Question: What is the tagline for the Black to the Hood movie Billboard?

Answer: The tagline goes "He was never on time for his parole officer.... He wasn't on time for his sentencing.... Then one day....he wasn't in the hood at all."

Carl Missouri

More Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood questions
Romeo + Juliet picture

Question: I first saw this film on TV in Britain a few years ago and the song "Exit Music for a Film" by Radiohead played over the end credits. Everytime I have viewed it on television since then, another song from the soundtrack is played at the same point in the movie. Could the change possibly be because its become an expensive song to use as they have become a more high-profile group?

Answer: Whatever songs are in the movie were licensed for distribution by the film production company for a fixed price. It is impossible for there to be later fees somehow incurred on the production company just because the group is more popular. However, it's conceivable that Radiohead only allowed their song for use in cinemas but not television.

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Answer: According to, Greg Kinnear did.

T Poston

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Ransom picture

Question: After the son has been rescued, there are reports on the TV that investigators do not believe that all suspects have been caught and they do not believe the leader has been caught. Since they believe this, wouldn't they fingerprint the place they were keeping the kid in? How could Gary Sinise explain why his fingerprints are all over the place? He only had a few minutes from the time he radioed in to the time the cops showed up - he couldn't say he left all those prints in that little time.

Answer: While the police would take fingerprints, it would take a long time to get all the fingerprints to the lab and tested for a match. They probably wouldn't have known whose prints they had at the time of the news broadcast. And even if they knew they had Gary Sinise's prints, they wouldn't automatically suspect him.

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The Crow: City of Angels picture

Question: When Ashe tries to get to Judah's home, he makes his way through a celebration celebrating the dead. While making his way through, he appears frightened. Why would he be scared?


Chosen answer: Because the whole coming back from the dead experience is strange, mysterious and scary for him. He had no idea who or what called him back. Is he the only one or was there a whole world of supernatural creatures.

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Freeway picture

Question: Why does Bob Wolverton have a psychology manual in his car when he's a children's psychiatrist?

Answer: Even experts in a given field occasionally like to consult a text on the subject.


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Sleepers picture

Question: The boys are playing baseball and young Carol shows up in a wheelchair. Shakes says she is his sister, so why later in the film does she ask him why he never asked her out.

Answer: I believe you are confusing two characters and what person's sister. The girl in the wheelchair (can't remember her name offhand) was Hector Maldonado's sister. Hector was on the opposing stickball team. Carol (who was not in a wheelchair) was Michael's girlfriend, so Shakes saw her as "taken" and "off limits." (Shakes wouldn't steal his friend's girlfriend).


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