Deliberate mistake: While most of the German spoken in the movie is correct (even if with bad accent) there is a translation error in the scene at Yankee Stadium. The accent suggests that these bad guys were raised in the communist eastern Germany and previously served in the secret service "stasi." When the guy with the sniper rifle gets nervous and asks if he should shoot or not, the other one says,"Nein, wir brauchen den anderen", which would translate, "No, we need the other one", but the subtitles say, "We'll follow him", which they do.

Deliberate mistake: During the part of the movie where the USS Alabama is sinking deeper into the ocean a shot of the depth gauge was made showing the sub passing 1800 feet at a quick rate. About 20-30 seconds of shots were shown after this to further dramatize the peril of submarine and then the scene cut back to the depth gauge. This time however, the gauge was moving much slower and only shown the sub had sunk 15-20 more feet without any reason for the sudden slowdown in decent.

Deliberate mistake: During the scene where Ryback is fighting Penn (the grey-haired mercenary) in the kitchen, watch for the shot where Ryback flips Penn. The film has been sped up and the result looks disjointed and out of place. The characters are moving FAR too fast for it to look natural.

Deliberate mistake: During Dade's first 'hacking' scene, he is wearing sunglasses. The shades disappear for a closeup shot of Dade's eyes and a brief montage of TV clips, then reappear on Dade's face in the longer shot. (00:05:45)

Deliberate mistake: When the house is splitting in two, the board game should have fallen long before it actually does. (01:25:25)

Deliberate mistake: Throughout the entire movie every character seems to speak fluent English, despite several portions of the movie take place in remote Russian locations.

Deliberate mistake: The way the helicopter fell into the stadium at the end is impossible. Since the dead guy still held the control stick back, the rotor blades would still be pointed backwards making the helicopter fall even more back. Since there wasn't any controlled steering, it would spin around wildly. Not even a stunt pilot could maneuver a helicopter like that not to mention a dead body.

Deliberate mistake: The surviving passengers are all awoken from a deep sleep after Dinah realises the other passengers have gone. Yet none of them appear drowsy or tired and none of their eyes appear strained, despite having just woken up so suddenly. (00:09:20)

Deliberate mistake: In one of the scenes where Johnny Depp goes into the bathroom (specifically, when he changes clothes with the other man), Christopher Walken's character looks under the stall. The camera then shows the legs and crotch of a man sitting on the toilet, who still has his boxers fully on, but his pants are down.
Suggested correction: That man was not actually using the toilet. He was posing as Watson (Depp) so that Walken would think he was in the stall the whole time.