Helen: You've been there, haven't you? Dryland? You know where it is.
Mariner: Yeah, I know where it is.
Helen: And uh, and we're going?
Mariner: You and I are. The kid we gotta pitch over the side.
Helen: What?
Mariner: My boat's tore up. I'm taking on water. [Points to filtration system.] I'd be lucky to get half a hydro ration out of that.
Helen: You know, I said I won't drink.
Mariner: For twelve days? [Helen nods.] No. It's better that one of you dies now, than both of you die slow.
Helen: Wait. Wait. We saved your life. We got you out.
Mariner: No. You got me out so you could get out. We're even.

Sam Daniels: Just don't get negative on me.
Major Salt: Affirmative.

Xavier Fitch: We decided to make it female so it would be more docile and controllable.
Preston Lennox: More docile and controllable, eh? You guys don't get out much.

Tank Girl: You gotta think of it like...the first time you got laid. You just gotta go 'Daddy, are you sure this is right?'.

Judge Dredd: It's a lie! The evidence has been falsified! It's impossible! I never broke the law, I AM THE LAW.

Johnny Mnemonic: You can't shoot me.
Takahashi: Not in the head.

Miette: When you're born in the gutter you end up in the port.

Clyde Reilly: Sheila?
SID 6.7: No. I'm Oedipus.