Factual error: At the end of the movie, they show a bunch of ducks flying. Those are not ducks, they are geese.
Suggested correction: This was intentional. This is a mostly Minnesotan team and the team is going home. While geese are technically speaking not ducks, they are the state bird of Minnesota and fly in a very similar manner to ducks. This was meant to be a symbolism of them going home to their state.

Factual error: When Eric goes to help the guy who got hurt after bungee jumping at the dance, the guy's line is long enough to allow him to lay flat on the ground. If it was really that long he would have crashed into the floor and not gone back up.

Factual error: Under the rules of Major League Baseball, a team owner cannot also serve as the team's manager; it constitutes a conflict of interest.

Factual error: Roger's dad says when the "Angels win the pennant." During the last final scene/regular season game, after the win, Ranch Wilder announces that "the Angels won the pennant." They would have to have won the American League Championship Series in order to win the pennant.

Factual error: A carton of HEB milk is taken out of the fridge and it has the new (as of 1994) label on it. The movie is set in the late 80s, when the old style label was still used.

Factual error: In one scene Cobb and the sportswriter doing his biography are driving across the country to get to the baseball Hall of Fame. They are stopped next to some railroad tracks fixing a flat tire, and a train goes by that has Burlington Northern markings (BN). Burlington Northern didn't come into existance until ten years or so after Mr. Cobb died.