Plot hole: When the warden comes into the cell the morning after the escape, the poster covering the hole is fastened down on all four corners - impossible to do after squeezing into that small hole. [On the DVD commentary, the director confirms that this was a movie "cheat".] (01:49:05)

Plot hole: Stephen dies after he was "taken off machines", at least so his wife tells the kids. But when he was shown in the hospital he was attached to no life-supporting machines except an oxygen tube in his nose. (01:33:25)

Plot hole: When Lalaina is in her depressed "Bell Jar" phase, she's complaining to the psychic hotline counselor that she's freaked out by the idea of having kids because she "can't even take care of a Chia Pet". But earlier in her documentary, she'd talked about how starting at age 13 she had to become the responsible one, buying food, taking care of and parenting her siblings. Which contradicts the portrayal of her as someone who can't take care of anything.

Plot hole: When Juliet and David spend some money, they are seen watching a tape of the footage they filmed with a new camcorder. When Alex is in the bath, we see him with the camcorder (it is not a reflection in the mirror) - where did the second one come from?

Plot hole: In the World Series game at the end of the movie, the scoreboard shows that the game is scoreless up until the very end. But Brendan Fraser is portrayed as an amazing phenom who hits home runs every single time he comes up. He obviously failed to hit a home run the first few times up in that game.

Plot hole: Towards the end of the movie, Leon dies and Mathilda heads to see Tony. Tony gives her some spending money and tells her to get back in school. The nighttime scene suggests that she spends at least part of the night wandering the streets. Presumably at daybreak, she takes the tram car and returns to The Spencer School, where she talks to the school administrator. When the administrator asks Mathilda to tell the truth about what happened to her, Mathilda says in essence, "... I lived with the greatest guy. He was a hitman, the best in town. He died this morning..." This morning? Seems more like roughly 24 hours have passed since Leon died, so what Mathilda says is inconsistent with the scene sequence. (Special note - this is from the International/extended DVD edition. I can't say whether this exact sequence is in the shorter domestic DVD version.) (02:06:03)

Plot hole: When Reggie is interviewing Mark in the hospital, she tells him that she will pick him up tomorrow about 2:30 for a 3:00 meeting with the FBI. But the next day, Mark comes running into Reggie's office after the attack from the hitman the night before, and she asks him what's wrong as if she hasn't seen him yet. The FBI shows up just seconds later.

Plot hole: When Forrest finds out he is receiving the Medal of Honor, he is addressed as PFC Gump (Private First Class, E3). "Two weeks later", he leaves Vietnam, and is then shown receiving the medal from President Johnson. In this scene, he is wearing Sergeant's stripes (E5). There is no indication or mention of him receiving a promotion, let alone two. (01:02:10 - 01:03:05)

Plot hole: When Joe takes Black Beauty and Ginger away from Birwick Park to their new home, he is about 11 years old. When next Beauty sees him at the fair, he has aged to his early/mid twenties. This would indicate that Beauty had been at the home of the Lord and Lady Wexmire for about 10 years but not a single character in the household ages a day during his time there. His stay would appear much briefer than that.

Plot hole: After the robbery scene, the partner sends in the other cops and says that there is another one inside. How did he know this? No one told him, and the other robber was obscured by shelves in the door so he could not be seen.

Plot hole: During the war sequence, when Samuel dies, how necessary was it for the two Germans to go through the trouble of setting up a machine gun to shoot him? I find it hard to believe they had no other weapon but that. It seems to have been done only to build suspense. (00:42:45)
Suggested correction: It's a shame the director surrendered, but for someone as smart as Andy, this is the smallest of problems. He could've put weights on the bottom of the poster, or used magnets he embedded in the walls together with iron glued to the poster, or enough washers in the bottom to essentially do both.
That's a load of rubbish. Embedding magnets in the wall? Really.
Ssiscool ★
If he can make a six foot escape tunnel, he can scrape out several small holes around the poster's edge, and insert the aforementioned magnets, glued in however he can manage (ie tape, chewing gum).
He could have simply used glue mixed with dirt to weigh it down. Once the glue dried it wouldn't matter how heavy the poster was, so long as there was contact.
How could Andy do that after he escaped through the hole in the wall?
I don't think it's what happened, but easily enough. Put magnets in the wall during his tunnel digging process - he had years - then something magnetic affixed to the corners of the poster. As soon as he was in the hole the poster would hang down and affix itself to the bottom corners.
Further, if the poster weren't "glued" on the bottom, it would not have been taught enough for the warden's pebble to go through it. If the poster were attached loosely, the pebble would have simply bounced off.