Factual error: Towards the end of the movie when Andy is escaping, he breaks open a sewage pipe and is covered with its contents. It is physically impossible for the sewage to shoot out of the break like it did. In order for that to happen there has to be pressure. But there is none there, because the end he crawls through is empty and the end is in the open air. (01:52:20)

Factual error: In the beginning of the movie, we see one of the two journalists playing "The Game" in a Game Boy. The other journalist says that the game is available in cartridges and floppy disks. The problem is that the guy playing the game doesn't even has a cartridge inserted in the Game Boy. It's impossible to play ANY kind of game in a Game Boy, if the Game boy doesn't have a cartridge inserted in it.

Factual error: As mentioned before the radio booth should have had sound proof glass, but when Pip's girlfriend knocks on the glass and says "Hey guys you're on TV" they can hear her perfectly. (00:45:10)

Factual error: In the first scene of the movie, a diver is underwater, and he is talking to someone on the radio. How can he talk, when he is biting down on the mouthpiece from his scuba tanks? And his mouth is obviously not moving. (00:00:40)

Factual error: When Pauline makes her first entry into her 1953 diary, the date at the top of the page is January 1, Thursday. Later in the film when she begins her diary for 1954, the date on the page is January 1, Thursday. The same date in two consecutive years cannot be the same day of the week, they are a day apart (2 in a leap year). In actual fact, 1 January 1954 was a Friday. (00:24:20 - 01:03:45)

Factual error: The grenade that the SWAT team fires in the hotel is supposedly a smoke bomb, but it is both marked ILUM and has a white body, meaning that it is an illumination grenade.

Factual error: When Vincent shoots Marvin the bullet goes through Marvin's head and exits out the back of his skull with explosive force - enough to splatter "pieces of brain" all over the back of the car. If it exited with so much force the rear window of the car should have shattered from the bullet, but it doesn't even get chipped.

Factual error: When the red BMW hits the curb just before joining the freeway he does so at 70. Hitting the curb at 70 would cause a blowout. (00:17:10)

Factual error: In an early scene, when Axel Foley is pursuing the bad guys' truck, he is driving a red sports car that is gradually being shot to pieces around him by the bad guys. At one point, his airbag deploys, momentarily impeding his driving. This is a prop error: It was much smaller than a real airbag, it inflated much more slowly than the real thing, and it remained inflated till he mashed it down (real airbags pop and deflate within a second).

Factual error: Near the end of the film, the movie changes locations to Seattle. A skyline is shown and it is identified as Seattle. The city skyline that is shown is actually Philadelphia.

Factual error: When Blankman is riding on the train tracks with his custom mobile, the computer screen shows a straight track when they are actually on a curve.

Factual error: When Mr. Sutphin finds Beverly's things on Richard Speck, there's an envelope he mailed her, with his return address, which is wrong. It is listed as Stateville Correctional Center (which is where Speck served his time in real life): Joliet, Illinois 60434. However, SCC is located in Crest Hill, Illinois 60403.

Factual error: Macaulay Culkin hides the gold coins in the duffel bag of a mall mannequin, Problem is, gold is heavy. It would rip the plastic arm, the duffel bag, or yank the mannequin over (and assumes store people won't change it anyway).